Movement of Peace in The World – SaLuSa ~ May 6, 2018

Movement of Peace in The World – SaLuSa. By Gabriel RL.

Throughout the world, movements to achieve the definitive Peace can be seen.

While some of your leaders have their own agendas and personal interests involved in some of these movements, it is evident that a choir can be clearly heard, so that leaders who do not understand the importance of Peace are touched by the waves of Love that the human hearts emanate. Hearts that, for ages, cry out for Peace.

Any initiative of Peace definitely helps to expand consciousness and activate in all hearts the genuine interest in pursuing everything that is necessary to attain it.

Governments around the world are seeing the repercussions of the movement in Korea, and although some try to take advantage of it to promote themselves, they will certainly be involved by the genuine chorus of Peace.

The old tactic that a “war on terror” is the way to Peace is no longer accepted in the high vibrations to which you are directing yourselves.

It is obvious, even to those who promote wars, that this no longer works.

Due to many ages of conflict, the peoples of the Earth have become accustomed to living in warlike environments and in extreme reactivity.

With the Peace movements around the world, there is confidence that this is in fact ending.

Hearts Cry Out for Peace

Hearts Cry Out for Peace

Movement of Peace in The World – SaLuSa

Thus a request from all of us of the Galactic Federation is that you keep your intentions for Peace regardless of your suspicions about the leaders and the particular interests that may be in some of them.

New Earth

New Earth

Movement of Peace in The World – SaLuSa

Anche se c’è intenzione di autopromozione per dimostrare pubblicamente il loro sforzo per la Pace, questo movimento scatenerà ondate di luce che coinvolgeranno i leader. Ciò, almeno, porterà a una profonda riflessione sulla reale importanza della Pace nel mondo.

Certamente, nel profondo del vostro cuore, c’è la certezza che la Pace sarà raggiunta, e non passerà molto tempo prima che si espanda completamente sulla terra, annullando completamente qualsiasi movimento bellicoso.

Ci sono in effetti leader tra voi che stanno seguendo protocolli elevati e con autentiche intenzioni di Pace. Altri, prima di una guerra, possono avere il cuore inondato d’amore e iniziare a rivedere le loro idee, aprendosi veramente alla Pace.

Altri ancora possono tentare di “salvare le loro pelli” e approfittare di queste mosse per sfuggire alla giustizia.

Ancora una volta vogliamo sottolineare: non c’è dubbio che la Pace è già una realtà e più la si sostiene, più creerete l’ambiente sicuro che avete sempre desiderato.

Hearth Chakra

Hearth Chakra

Movement of Peace in The World – SaLuSa

This does not mean that you should be negligent about adjustments that need to be made in the judicial and penitentiary systems, as well as dealing seriously with endemic violence in some regions, but the more you work for Peace, the more it will manifest to you.

Every effort is being made to make this happen, and your help as allies of the Galactic Forces on the surface is critical.

Guarantees that nuclear detonations will not happen again have already been repeatedly delivered through our messages and reinforced through our allies infiltrated worldwide.

This security also ensures that we can get even closer to you, bringing our fleets to the lowest orbit of Earth, whereby we will begin the necessary connections that will give us full control of your communication system in the near future.

This will allow the delivery of our message to all on Earth when the ideal moment will be activated and sustained by the Supreme Creator.

Recently, one of our technology fleets has definitely entered Earth’s communications systems, and we are just waiting for the appropriate time to deliver our “arrival” message on all radio and television frequencies at the same time.

It will be a wonderful event when we’ll be able to speak to all of you with one voice and greet all with desires for Peace and bliss.

By taking positions in the lower orbits and expelling draconian fleets from these zones, a greater security is achieved.

This will give more confidence to all of you since, as the non-confederated fleets leave these zones, with them will also leave the systems of mind control and inductions against us, of the Galactic Confederation, reassuring the hearts of all those who, at some level, fear our presence.

The connection between the spiritual realms also tends to intensify, since the layers that separate these dimensions are in the process of thinning and your interaction with other dimensions will occur more easily.

Many of you have already felt great inner relief, as if enormous burdens had left your back, which is indeed a reality, for many non-confederated fleets from especially the low orbit held strong mental control over many of you, overloading you, drastically.

With the taking of these zones by our fleets, these systems are turned off, giving you great relief and the possibility to think for yourselves and to make decisions truly based on your hearts.

Salusa Sirius

Salusa Sirius

Dear ones, live your happy and confident days that there are great movements going on behind the scenes that are ensuring that all things happen so that you can enjoy your freedom.

SaLuSa Everyone Will Know Very Soon

SaLuSa  Everyone Will Know Very Soon

There is, in fact, too much to do so that you can definitely live the world of your dreams, but you certainly know that the kick was given when you decided to go to Earth, and nothing can prevent you from reaching your goals.

I am Sirius’ SaLuSa. I testify every day of your earth and I assure you that there is something great going on and you will not be disappointed.

We know that many of you felt indignant by the delay of the manifestation of some things on the surface, but we hasten to say that the more serene you remain, the more you will anchor the necessary forces for when the moment of the unleashing of the special movements takes place.

Be anchored and ready to perpetuate this Peace and anchored trust, giving those confused and insecure a look of serenity, which will nullify any sense of despair and fear.

You are on the front line of great movements and you know that patience is a great virtue that must be cultivated. Even if you still can not see completely what is happening around you, a transformation is ongoing, and the very clear signs of this are the Peace movements around the world. This is a truth, and it can not be denied.

We leave our Love and Blessings to all of us in the Galactic Confederation, eager to meet you as soon as possible.

Be in Peace,

Be in the Light.

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Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.

Nikola Tesla

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