7 Energy Update ~ Deep Cellular Cleansing, New Cosmic DNA Codes, Shifting Dimensions Energy Update ~ Deep Cellular Cleansing, New Cosmic DNA Codes, Shifting Dimensions ~ April 30, 2018

By Lisa BrownA,

This new cohesive system, lives, works, breathes and communicates in unison with all things as one…. sleeps according to all new cycles, wakes in all new cycles, which constantly change according to what your UNIVERSAL/COSMIC body needs to do…. to bring you constantly into much higher vibrational/dimensional frequency bandwidths by identifying everything that vibrates at a lower frequency and held deep inside of you…..

24/7 now, these Cosmic Codes and Rays are “targeting” that which is asleep, that which is still unconscious, that which is dense…. to rework completely by way of APPLYING ALL NEW GEOMETRIC QUANTUM CODES on a cellular, molecular and particle level…. recoding your DNA, recoding your entire physical reality for all to align on the HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL LEVEL…. and your human (ego) aspect gets in the way….. until you/each chooses to honor this very important process of ANCHORING THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL REALMS into the/our physical… for all of us here…. and on a multi-dimensional level instead of a singular one….

Honor your body, honor your process and open up to all new ways. Open up to accept that which you didn’t want to hear before, letting go/releasing all that no longer serves your/any of our highest purposes as PURE UNITY LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS here.

Your own reality will reflect a dream back to you, as you allow yourself to awaken from the old illusions and see all for what it is and CHOOSE TO EMBRACE the brilliance, magic, magnificent, beauty that is AVAILABLE constantly as you do…..

Walking in the dream is a bit “weird” at first, yet the magnificent is unparalleled, as well is the “trippy-ness” of it all…. the surreal feelings, the flickers and glimpses in your peripheral at first… the not remembering is an important part of this process as well …. for as you “forget” the physical, what you did, who you were, your name…. you REMEMBER on a whole new level what you forgot, when you agreed to fall from consciousness/incarnate into your physical form…..

As we PREPARE for this next phase, activation, gateway, passageway…. for these powerful portals to open up…. focus on the exquisiteness of your NEW REALITIES that await, your higher dimensional realities that prepare to come forth, your SIMPLE REALITIES that align with great ease…. as YOU ALLOW THIS to occur….. as you ARE READY… and jumping, listening, observing… and choosing to honor what at first appears to look/feel/be bizarre and weird to your human aspect, yet deeeeeeeeep inside of you is so totally understood and known…. and real. ♥

I love you. Powerful everything coming….. are you truly truly ready… or is there a part of you holding back, resisting and “trying” to hang onto/re-create the old out of fear/lack/safe/survival programming still held within your body, because you can’t yet touch/see the invisible Quantum Energetic Realm that becomes the physical one…. because everything is the opposite, in reverse and backwards than what your human aspect “thought”.

Realities are geometric and vibrational… not linear anymore. Dictated by Cosmic activity…. cosmic codes…. and the codes to all are held inside of you…. float around in your energy field… for the moment you can achieve the vibration to unlock them all… for all to synchronize and align perfectly…. for the physical to materialize simultaneously……….

Welcome to Multi-Dimensionality where all things unknown become known…. and reality completely changes…. what it is and how it works is no longer a puzzle or concept…. it’s how we live, exist and create/anchor all new realities here.

Everyone is on our Multi-Dimensional Earth, moving in & out of different dimensional realities, timelimes… all within the same space, oscillating at different vibratory rates, only visible by way of intermittent vibrational overlaps allowing multiple timelines/dimensions to oscillate at the same frequency bandwidth to materialize in the same space for however long that exchange is meant to take place…. and the current everything dictates each’s own experiences here. ♥

Tune your own vibration and energy to vibrate into an entirely new dimension and much higher timeline…. constantly…. tis how we do this here. ♫

Integrate, acclimate and hold your highest everything to sustain and maintain with great ease. ♦

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


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