The REAL Reason We MUST Build That Wall—and Pronto! ~ April 13, 2018

I heartily commend Starship Earth for this article. Once again, she has hit the nail on the head with keen observation about what’s really going on. Regardless of your feeling about Trump, the man, the truth is…we desperately need the Trump , the leader, at this point in time NOW.

To learn the reasons why, please read this article, know what is happening and why, and…



Did you think it odd that one of Trump’s emphatic campaign promises was to build “that wall”?  There was a very good reason. He wasn’t just blowing smoke, as one might have gathered since he has already accomplished much of what he set out to do.

There are reasons why people believe a border wall is a good idea, but in the end, it’s not what you think.

Mar-a-Lago Image Credit: Getty Images

Just Who is Building ‘The Wall’?

Let’s assume the military DID recruit Donald Trump a few years ago—probably part way through Obama’s treacherous reign. What would it take to convince a massively successful, older man who was NOT a politician and had everything he wanted, to take on the thankless job of President of the United States of America at the most volatile time in thousands of years?

What could possibly have presented the irresistible draw for a wealthy developer to abandon his businesses, turn them over to his children, and give up endless golf, travel, and a sweet life at Mar-a-Lago just when he should be slowing down and enjoying the fruits of his labour? What on Earth could separate him from the loving company of his family and swap it for death threats?

The answer is, “the Swamp”. He knew if he didn’t sign on, his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren would have to grow up and live in the fetid sewer that America had become under the auspices of the Illuminati/dark cabal/Khazarian mafia.

Truth be told, it went deeper than that. When the generals and military intelligence folks (and perhaps other, um… “influential” parties) laid out the facts for Donald Trump, I believe he realized there was one last goal he needed to add to his agenda. He certainly didn’t need the money, and he showed the banksters that he couldn’t be bought by waiving ye olde presidential salary and donating it all to charity.

What Happened?

If accounts are true, the group that approached Donald Trump offered him a unique opportunity to leave a legacy that would go down in Earth history permanently. Not only would his success guarantee his family lines a safe and prosperous America, it would help free the world from an invisible feudal system—and worse. Far worse.

No, he would not be a solitary hero; he would work in concert with powerful,benevolent groups to strangle the satanic parasites that sought to end Humanity as we know it.

Humanity was never meant to be prey but unfortunately, as many are now realizing, things don’t always go according to plan and evil has a way of slipping in and wreaking havoc where we least expect.

The global El-ites have successfully kept their tyranical agenda hidden from the bulk of the world, due mostly to the fact that they now control nearly all the mass media—be it print, electronic, movies, or the air waves—and are so obscenely wealthy from stealing from the slaves Humanity have become, that they can buy, rent, blackmail and threaten—or eliminate—anyone standing in their way. In so doing, they can keep their long range plans to dominate the world under wraps.

On the Breitbart site last week was a poll about The Wall, which illustrates that most people have been mislead about it—for good reason, which I’ll get to shortly. They asked readers to vote on whether they believed there needs to be a wall between the US and Mexico.

The options and results of the poll at that time were listed as follows:

55% – Yes, there’s a national security crisis

42% – Yes, they are defending our borders from external invasion

0%  –  No, because Human beings aren’t illegal

2%  – No, the Posse Comitatus Act forbids the use of the military to enforce policy inside the USA

“Bestia” (beast) train of immigrants fleeing violence in Central America, bound for Mexico City enroute to USA, July 2014

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

What if the Wall is not about any of the above? Would that surprise you? It shouldn’t.

The border wall is already under construction and heavily guarded. Do we really need that wall? Damn straight, we do, and here’s why.

On April 5th, Thomas Williams shared the real story on The Wall on the weekly Truth, Honor & Integrity Show. If you only have time for the few minutes it took to outline this particular issue, begin at the 78:20 mark at that link.

We have seen unmistakable evidence of this agenda but didn’t have all the pieces of the puzzle so couldn’t connect the dots.

The following reveals the intelligence Thomas shared on April 5th regarding the border wall.

You may recall last year independent investigative journalist Jim Stone showed us the train loads of “refugees” coming out of Central America. (Image above) Those poor, unsuspecting souls. We’ve learned that now 80% of women and girls immigrating to Mexica/USA are raped on their journey.

Last week Trump confirmed the presence of a caravan of roughly one thousand “immigrants” on the way through Mexico toward America, and his trip to Venezuela to deal with the severe issues there was preempted by the false flag events in Syria.

The wall President Trump is building through the Army Corps of Engineers (and may have tricked the cabal into paying for via the Obnibus Bill this month), is to prevent the free movement of tens of thousands or possibly even hundreds of thousands of Humans into the United States.

Their origins are South America, from areas of poverty and war zones or where drug running is rampant. The agenda was to transport them into “private holding areas”, more commonly known as “concentration camps” within US borders where the Illuminati’s thugs have operated freely for some time.

These camps are run by the Bush cartel, who also operate and control the Texas Rangers groups. It gets worse.

The REAL Reason for The Wall

The purpose of The Wall is to prevent mercenary groups run by various alphabet agencies, drug cartels, and gangs intent on perpetuating violence, Human trafficking, the sex trade, child trafficking, the child porn industry and Human slavery, from continuing what they are already doing and from growing their activities.

It’s far worse than you can imagine. These “immigrants” are used in snuff films and dissected live for organ harvesting; their body parts sold to hospitals for between $90K and $225K, depending on the organ.

They also remove children’s adrenal glands to extract the “Kool-Aid” the El-ites use to sustain their youth and extend their lives. Many of us now understand that excretion is called, “adrenochrome”.

It is no accident that this information is coming to the forefront of our awareness more rapidly now and why the globalists are doing everything in their power to censor the information we share on the Internet via the Independent Media.

Perhaps most shocking of all to those tuning in for the first time, Humans are also being used as a food source. No, we are not the top of the food chain on this planet.

The border wall will extend much deeper into the ground than above to address the many tunnels and “night crawlers” as Thomas referred to them.

The bill for this construction is $35 billion. “O’er the ramparts we watched…” and history repeats.

Haiti residents sleep in the streets after 2019 earthquake

The Globalist Agenda Compromised

There would never be an end to the caravans of refugees and immigrants if the satanic El-ites had their way. They have the means to generate a steady stream and we have witnessed the process many times. We just didn’t recognize it for what it was.

They use weaponized weather or war to create catastrophes and refugees. They have done this in America, not only foreign countries. Look at Hurricane Katrina and most recently in Texas with Hurricane Harvey. Haiti was another source of “food” as a result of a man-made earthquake which generated ample orphans.

The predators then bring in their agencies like FEMA to provide “relief” and raise millions of dollars from the unsuspecting slaves to provide aide to their suffering fellow Humans. The Red Cross arrives on the scene, turns supplies away and makes a bigger mess than there already was. They then line the pockets of their Executives with government funds and donations, and victims are left cold, hungry, and without clothing, water or shelter.

This is the perfect excuse to evacuate them, and traumatized souls are more apt to succumb to suggestion and offers of care. And where do they go? Families are separated and victims are shuttled out on buses, trains, or relocated to “prison barges”, as in the case of Texas.

The homeless are prime targets. Who will miss them? Did you believe the warnings during the flooding in Texas to refuse to go to FEMA camps or wherever the authorities ushered them, was simply a conspiracy theory? Did you think homeless folks slept on the street rather than check into a shelter because they were deranged? Did you believe the reports that Texans “disappeared”? It wasn’t hysteria.

I hope you get the picture now.

The Fate of Humanity

A group of people who understand the gravity of our situation saw an opportunity to tip the scales. They presented their strategy to Donald Trump, and I believe they told him everything.

I believe he knows about the extraterrestrial problem/solution—because we do have a lot of off-planet help. He knows his life and those of his family are in danger, and he knows the transhumanist agenda is a future goal. I suspect he is also aware of the multi-pronged approach to killing us softly via GMOs, vaccines, toxic water, drugs, 5G, weather—all of it. I don’t think he would negotiate unless he was confident they were completely honest with him as to what he would be up against. They owed him that much.

President Donald Trump is building “that wall”, and he made it a top priority because he understands the stakes. Who better to spearhead the building of a border wall than a land developer?

Trump is addressing the perversions of a predatory scourge that attempted and nearly succeeded in the domination of our planet, and we had better hope he is successful in all his initiatives to drain the swamp.

The alternative would mean the extinction of Humanity. He is willing to give his life to do this for us, and that is why he is so relentlessly attacked, and why the petty claims are all virtually meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

I was never a Trump fan before, but failure is not an option and I am confident the President will do whatever it takes, so we had better be Trump fans and pray he can stand up to the now desperate cabal who would do anything to remove him—or even co-opt him.

Early this week I realized this war is at a point that it can no longer continue invisibly to the masses. Pedogate is coming out more and more, the Syria situation is red hot, the firings and appointments within Trump’s cabinet are front and centre, and there is a lot simmering just below the surface. I recommend folks prepare themselves for more grim details in the near future as the shadows are exposed and healed by the Light.

It’s also past time for researching the situation and time to take action to stop the psychopaths from advancing their agenda. We are at the point when many of us can play roles, however small, in this take-down. It’s why we’re here.  ~ BP


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