Ascension & the “Event” ~ March 22, 2018

Lot’s of folks out there are looking for, and waiting for…”The Event”. When IS this event occurring, and why is it taking so darn long to “get” here on earth? Please read her comment on this topic here:

“What is the so-called “Event”? Many Beings still don’t understand the invaluable meaning of personal experience. So often we wish to compare or project our own experience onto others or even the collective. However, whatever we are moving through as a sovereign Soul and person, is happening to us and not someone else. It is uniquely our experience, and it is our choice and our life. Only we have the navigation or guidance system within us that will move us through the experience. No one else has it for us. There is no comfort or knowing that can come through another, because after all we are each on a unique path set out only for us. And yet we are not alone and walk together in our journeys.”

This video, by Polona Aurea Dawn, is a very good guide in addressing the questions above. The Event, or tsunami of Love, will be such a wonderful vibrational “step up” for ALL on earth. While no one knows when this will happen, recent happenings seem to point to a big change in our Earth environment.

So please watch this video, understand that your own personal experience will be unique as your unique spirit indicates, and…


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