Why Are The Central Bank Officials Screaming And Yelling? – Episode 1519a ~ March 12, 2018

One thought on “Why Are The Central Bank Officials Screaming And Yelling? – Episode 1519a ~ March 12, 2018

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    These are excellent reports from X22. Dave describes how Trump is playing a high stakes game with the banking cartel. Timing is everything. Ultimately, the Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the fiat dollar system are going to be shut down. If not shut down, the Deep State will continue in existence as the Central Bank is how it gets money for all its agendas. Fiat money is created out air. The banks buy physical assets with that money and charge countries and consumers interest to borrow that “money”. It is a racket that needs to be unplugged and that is the intent of this current administration. Be prepared for a bumpy road if the landing is rough.

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