Virgo Full Moon, March 2018 ~ The Beginning of an 8-Day Wave of Revelation and Blessing ~ March 2, 2018

I find this to be the BEST article I have read on the Full Moon in Virgo in the sign of Pisces! Such good and informative message that I certainly enjoyed…I think you will as well. So…please read this article, know that what you feel at this time is special beyond words, and…


By Marcia, Sister Star Astrology 

Hello, Beautiful,

Within you and around you, our beautiful Luna is ripening in Virgo, the ancient and timeless sign of the Virgin Goddess. Two weeks after she eclipsed the Aquarius Sun, she’s ready now to reveal what’s been happening, far beneath the surface of your life. The re-set she brought to the most breakthrough-friendly part of your birth chart — the house where you have the sign of Aquarius, and the planets who guide and occupy it 

— is now ready for prime time. It’s the big reveal, and this month, it’s all about the Cosmic Feminine and her dazzling, life-transforming creative power, which is also yours.

Across the sky, the Sun holds court in Pisces, the zodiak’s most magical territory. The Great Heart of our solar system — and of your life — is surrounded by an entourage that’s flooding the cosmic field with a massive wave of creative, mystical energy:

  • At the side of our Star is Neptune, the Cosmic Mystic who rules the zodiac’s final sign, drenching the heart in a subtle yet profound intuitive resonance with the Oneness. 
  • Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, has just begun a 22-day dance with Venus — inviting you to see the world anew, through the eyes of Love and its creative power. 
  • The centaurs Chiron and Nessus are opening the wounds that block deeper access to the multidimensional field of blessing that you’re woven into. When you can feel those wounds — of feeling victimized, powerless, unable to deeply trust life and yourself — you can begin to heal them, which means “to become more whole,” knowing yourself as a cosmic being. 

From across the sky, the Lunar Virgin Goddess beholds them all. She is the force that knows how to come into alignment with all that is, again and again, making everything new again. She is the part of you senses the one small shift that allows you to digest, more fully than ever, the shower of blessings cascading over you with every breath — and use them to bring your life into balance. The simple, heartfelt act of service that opens your heart comes from her. She’s all the practices, processes, and regimens that bring you back into alignment. Her medicine is the grounded intelligence within you, that can see the Universe in every grain of sand and knows that every moment is a sacred one. 

Like every full moon, this one brings culmination as well as revelation. What Luna is completing today, within and around you, is as huge as the miracle of your birth, as immense as the power of your one-of-a-kind medicine:

  • It’s the last of four consecutive full moons of revelation. Since the Gemini Full Moon on December 4, Luna has ripened four times in 11 degrees, bringing the revelations of the most powerful of the master numbers at the deep, intuitive, cellular domain of your lunar wisdom in the frequency of the most powerful of the master numbers. 
  • It’s the last full moon before the Equinox, bringing to completion the process of seeding that began at the most powerful Capricorn Solstice of our lives. 
  • It’s the first fruiting of what was seeded in your life — and in our world — at the solar eclipse in Aquarius, our destination in the great sea crossing we’re making here on planet Earth

As the Moon ripens these three powerful cycles, her sister Venus is making a huge shift. For nearly four months, we have not seen the Queen of Heaven. She’s been in the invisible sky, immersing herself in the deep truth of her heart and transmuting the power of her love — and of yours — into something wiser, stronger, and more powerful.

Now she is ready to rebirth herself.  After months of metamorphosis, Venus is rising at dusk as our Evening Star.  Three days after tonight’s full moon, on March 4, Venus officially begins her rebirth as the Queen of Heaven and also of Earth.  She hasn’t been here since July 2016. 

As she rises a little higher in the evening sky, each night shining a little brighter and a little longer, Venus signaling you. It’s time to birth a new and more powerful path for our Love. It’s time to discover the intention that’s been reshaping itself, unseen beneath the horizon, in recent months — in a whole new context.

The revelations are not over. They’re just beginning.

Blessing and grace are messaging you: Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are ready to make a deeper magic

Over the coming days, Venus will be in constant contact with both Mercury and Jupiter, making magic so deep it’s already reverberating throughout the Cosmos, within and around you: 

  • Yesterday, Venus created the auspicious, flowing wave of a trine with the mighty Jupiter as she began a 22-day dance with the Messenger — a dance that’s inviting you to link your perception to your love. Until March 21, Mercury will remain within 2 1/2 degrees of Heaven’s Queen, keeping perception ever close to Love.
  • Tomorrow, March 2, Mercury extends the love-perceiving wave as he forms his own trine of renewing grace with Jupiter. Treat all ideas and information that come to you during this time as likely to be heaven-sent.  And remember, the more we let ourselves choose to see with eyes of Love, not fear, the more deeply we  enter more deeply the field of blessing these three Cosmic Beings are holding for us.
  • March 4 is a massive and extraordinary portal all its own. The Sun will set the stage by perfecting the conjunction with Neptune that is already building at today’s Full Moon. A new cycle begins for the Heart’s relationship with the Oneness. In this field of heightened awareness and sensitivity to Divine Presence,  Venus and Mercury — the only two planets closer even than Earth to the Great Heart — conjoin each other. Then, each of them conjoins Chiron, creating something wholly new and blessed in your ability to see with Love — to both perceive and value our sacred gift, and the sacred wound that opens us to it. 
  • March 9, Jupiter turns his massive potency into the invisible realm as he begins the first planetary retrograde of 2017. Both Mercury and Venus will have formed pattern-recognizing quintile with Pluto, who’s guiding Jupiter’s phoenix-rising through Scorpio. It’s time to see a new way to empower your understanding of love and its transformative potency. It’s time to consciously participate in Jupiter’s expansion of your own regenerative capacity, with your intention and your attention.  It’s time to learn to hold more grace and more wisdom — and to become the massive force of blessing and abundance you are wired to be. 
  • March 12, Venus will have risen high enough in the evening sky that she’ll be easy to find. Within and around you, she’s remembering who she really is — and so are you. She’s remembering why she’s here — and so are you. 
  • March 17, the Pisces New Moon will conjoin Chiron, newly blessed by Venus and Jupiter in the last, urgent degrees of the zodiak’s final sign, squaring the Galactic Center.  opening another portal of completion and beginning, just three days before the Equinox. We are all beginning anew in our relationship with the Mystery that made us — and now invites us to become her collaborators. 

An inside-out revolution:  the deep radiance of inner shift

These shifts are as potent as they are subtle. Venus’ return to the Evening sky is not the grand entrance of coronation, just as Luna’s fullness in Virgo glows not with showy glitter but rather with a deeper, softer, inner radiance. 

The power of your love is reorienting herself after her long sojourn in the invisible realm — and so are you. In the days ahead, you may find yourself moving back forth between new, fresh ways of relating and of valuing, and ones that are worn-out and used-up. There are no mistakes at this level of magic. Every encounter is an opportunity for personal growth, an invitation to hold a bigger space and embody a deeper mystery.  

Venus’ return is the first and the shortest phase of her seven-month reign as the Evening Star, lasting only eight days. During this time, Jupiter will begin his first Scorpio retrograde in 12 years. Leaving his sister — known to the ancients as one of “the other Benefic” — to connect us to grace and blessing, the Large One will descend into the underworld for the most crucial part of his 13-month phoenix-rising mission in Scorpio, his retrograde.  For the next four months, he’ll be expanding your capacity for blessing and grace — and your ability to raise the phoenix from the ashes of our heart. Whatever you do, don’t regard this time as an optional experience! You’re going to use every bit of your expanded  transformative power as we move into the world-changing years ahead.


So much is about to be revealed to you, and to us all, in the days and weeks ahead. As Jupiter turns retrograde on March 9, and Mercury follows him on March 22, you’re going to how many of your perceptions are old and outworn, and shedding them like dead skin. As Saturn and Pluto turn retrograde in April, you’ll begin to release so many old, outworn ways of achieving and using our power. We are all being invited, in a very real and powerful way, to “re-vision” ourselves, our lives, and our reality. And we’re being guided by the Universe — within and around us — every step of the way.-

Because the message is clear: Receive, the Cosmos is whispering. Take it in. Let yourself digest how much you are loved, how deeply you are blessed. Far from being alone, you are woven into the very heart of the Universe.

With excitement and joy for all that lies ahead, Marcia 


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