Corey Goode FB post 2-27-18… “MAJOR Cabal operation against Social Media and Alternative Media going on right now” (and related article by David Wilcock coming soon!) ~ Feb. 27, 2018

Well…most of us already KNOW that all of the social media sites are censoring their members like crazy! As someone who blogs items of interest to me, I’ve had to spend a lot more time searching way more broadly to find “true” political news to bring to you as well as spiritual articles I enjoy.

That being said, please look at this link by Kp who now shares with us news that David Wilcock (happily married!) is now going to broadcast info about this latest tactic taken by the Cabal to prevent their exposure. Really…doesn’t everyone already KNOW they exist and are pulling the strings of every government to keep humanity enslaved?

Now that THAT has been said, please read this message from Kp, now that many, many are very aware and protesting this move, and…


Saw this today on FB, and it is great to know that soon DW will be coming out with an article about this (now that he’s got that “getting married” deal out of the way).

Sphere Being Alliance FB post (2-27-18)

There is a MAJOR Cabal operation against Social Media and Alternative Media going on right now.

This much open aggression is a clear sign that the Cabal is on its heels.

David Wilcock is writing an article on this topic at the moment.

Stay tuned. Corey Goode:

Jordan Sathers “Destroying the Illusion: channel closed by Google! He was nearly at 118k subscribers. Link to Jordan’s recent video (related Kp blog post)



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