Captain’s Blog: Star Date 1850295.19 ~ Feb. 5, 2018

This article by Starship Earth, says it all! We are entering the final phase of global repression with a no-holds barred kind of fight, but…we already KNOW the outcome! Be prepared, stay vigilant,and let’s get this over with. Victory of the Light!

Captain’s Blog: Star Date 1850295.19

Greetings all. As we hurtle through space to our ultimate destination—Our Golden Age—the scenery appears more and more bizarre.

The cabal sees their ultimate destination as well, and make no mistake, that is due to some spectacular planning and execution on the part of millions of lighted Beings who decreed that there is no room in the future of mankind for parasitic entities who only seek to serve themselves.

By now you’ve surmised that there is madness to their method. The logic is missing and they continue to use the same old play book when they fail repeatedly to gain any momentum and in fact, slip further and further into a chaotic, sticky web of their own making. Their own weapons are being used against them and they are ensnared.

Every attempt has been made to shield from harm the surface population still under the spell of the dark and the Lightworkers, as well. We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the element of danger, however, that is always present during an Intergalactic war.

A hybrid war is no different—despite appearances. Many warriors have fallen but the Light forces have the upper hand and victory is nigh. There are unseen skirmishes unfolding across the planet and countless meetings and negotiations not on your television or alternative news and much that cannot be reported.

As always, we remind everyone to stay out of fear and do what you feel guided to do. If you are prepared for supply chain interruptions it will minimize discomfort and inconvenience should those occur. At this time we are not expecting that on any widespread scale.

We extend our appreciation to the Galactic Confederation for their protection, support and assistance in this final takedown of the cabal. We also recognize the enthusiastic efforts of the Starship Earth crew who keep the hailing frequencies open and the latest intel flowing so we may keep all apprised of the latest developments.

Rest assured, a new world is birthing and Terrans will soon know what it is to enjoy true love, joy and abundance, and for the very first time their connection to Source. Even the early Apollo astronauts who escaped the restrictive bounds of Earth felt that indescribable experience. Is it any wonder they were so despondent on their return?

Until our next update, carry on and be the Light.

As you were, me hearties.


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