Energy Update ~ Moving into The Heart of Eclipse Season ~ Jan. 22, 2018

By Entelechy Visions

Energy Update 1/22

We are moving into the heart of eclipse season with a Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on Jan 31st. This is a rare occurrence that hasn’t happened in over 150 years with this combination and will heighten the potency of what we may be experiencing at this time. 

Lunar Eclipses invite us to truly let go of the old and if we aren’t ready to let go of something that needs to leave our lives, sometimes it will be plucked from our lives for us.
Anything that may be ending or separating at this time is because it is to create a transformational and positive direction for us moving forward.
This eclipse is setting the stage for the entire year ahead of us as we are moving into this year of mastery, you may find themes coming up around communication, power, money, value, exchanges of time and energy, love, sex, relationships and even difficult conversations.
These are all necessary to clear the space so we can move more into our power and be free of any issues that may have been lying beneath the surface for a very long time.
These last three weeks of this month have been rather stressful and challenging but all for good reason. As we move into this week, we will notice a culmination point of many issues coming to a head and a pressure valve of release opening up for us……

To listen to the full update, find Inner Monologue on iTunes or Stitcher app or go to

Artwork~ John Jude Palencar


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