Message from The Divine Mother ~ Moving Forward with The Divine Plan ~ Nov. 28, 2017

Posted by Heru Paule LeBreton

By Linda LI

Message from Divine Mother

Dear Heart, I am your Divine Mother. Yes, the energy is getting stronger as we approach the new year. That is the design dear heart. I designed it this way so that by the new years time, we will have a great deal of the Divine energy permeating the planet and a great deal of excitement built up. The reason we do that, dear heart is because this upcoming new year is going to be a splendid one, like one you never experienced before, and a new year that marks human history in a way that ends, yes, ends the old ways dear ones, Starting anew-that is the theme of this upcoming new year. We are going to have a brand new phase in human history, a brand new civilization on the planet, and a brand new golden age. Mark your calendar dear heart. We are here, and we are going to start anew, a brand new golden age indeed.

I am your Divine Mother dear ones. I come on this occasion to tell you the news and guide you on how to prepare yourself. Yes, new is here, and the new you is coming online. How does your old self react to that? And how do you manage the transition dear heart? Millions will say that is easy, just get on with it. And it is true, all you need to do is to get on with it, with the new, be adaptable, acceptable and flexible. But there are quite a number of my children built in a way that they don’t change easily. In other words, I built them this way so that they always, can be a stable force for the planet. No matter what happens on the planet, they always remain cool, in their own orbit, and that character has served the planet well. But dear heart, time is different now.

Time has come for you to be flexible and adaptable dear heart. I know it is hard for you simply because it is your true nature that is being the stable force, and I grant you that. But dear heart, in order for the planet and humanity to move forward with my plan, I need you to go with us, move forward not backward even if it means that you have to adapt and change, change it dear heart, you have that in you, it is just a little bit harder but you do have the capacity and DNA. You can do it dear ones even though it may take a little longer but you can indeed adapt the change and go home with me. I know you can as you always do. You are my great love, great stable force for eons of time, and you will, once again, play your brilliant role for the planet. Be the change agent for humanity. That is you dear ones, that is you, very powerful, full of greatness and full of love. I love you, I am your Divine Mother. Go in peace dear ones. So it is…


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