Pleiades 1 Messages ~ October 31st 2017

Here’s the latest message from Disclosure News Italia. Looks like things are ramping up for Total Disclosure/Transition/ Acension (your choice). Please read this message below, feel your heart lighten, and…


P1 calling Terranos for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!

Attention *IUD-IL: 22% (in regressive) di VP (Vladimir Putin). Indicative potential completion in near linear (time). The Light Celebrates!

Attention *Cranu-Idini: meshes required for tree supports in Lat 38° 53′ 42″ N Lon: 77° 02′ 10″ W (Washington DC).

Caiel / Coiel manifested! Pleiadian lines attracted for renovation! The Light Celebrates!

1722 (*V5) >>>>> HIGH INFINITE. 44% (non-regressive). First intensive.

Platinum (Fleet) approaches for new specific packages!

*Zero i removing uncertain projections. Serious reverberation can be felt.

*Sentinels watch those who leave without return.

New world being formed – *Adamantins watch and participate!

NEW HUMAN samples are evident! Revolutionaries start transformers package delivery!

Irradiation *ACONCAWA at 52% (non-regressive).

End of Transmission Pleiades 1 (Sustaining V5 Support)

* Item in Glossary

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