Unity Consciousness and Unity Courage ~ Sept. 6, 2017

Dear Ones,
It is the NOW in which your leaders need to have the “big picture” in their minds as you  all move through the great changes that will be taking place in your reality. As you know, too often, things have to get worse before they get better.
The reason for this is because, once darkness has been revealed, it is best to move deep into the core of it because, soon enough, the disguise will be back. Then the light and love can be covered again by the darkness and fear.
Fortunately, there are times, just as the during your hurricane “Harvey,” in which fear can come forward in such a manner that the ordinary people become great beings of light, who find their own Inner Light to find their inner courage, unconditional love, and immense bravery.
In a situation such as a huge hurricane, many people are facing their greatest fear, the fear of survival, However, they have pushed that fear away and found great courage to save themselves, their loved ones and many people who are total strangers.
These people have dedicated themselves to the service of others, at great danger to them selves. This courage has greatly expand their personal light. Then, this expansion of personal light within a crisis situation, quickly encompasses the crisis situation.
This expansion of light does not necessarily make the situation go away, as with the case of Hurricane Harvey. However, it does greatly expand the personal caring and courage of many of the people who are involved, or chose to become involved, immense “service to others,” during this horrible disaster.
New leaders are being born, and some of the old leaders are revealed as having personal needs that are more important than the heroic assistance for those who are suffering. We the Arcturians, commend the many people who expanded their consciousness, their courage, and their innate sense of duty to their fellow man during this disaster.
Many leaders are being born during this NOW who are leaders based on Unconditional Love and Courage. The courage of these people greatly expands their consciousness by assisting their fellow humans, as well as dear Gaia, who has been deeply wounded.
On the other hand, those who have selfish gains and care only for their own self aggrandizement, will inadvertently reveal their true selfish needs and lack of empathy for their fellow man and for Gaia.
It is the task of the ascending ones, to find in their hearts the ability to send unconditional love to the dark ones who can only think of themselves. It is likely that these ones will not recognize or accept that love, as they have become too lost in their own inner darkness.
However, those who face the initiation of finding and using their own Inner Light to forgive and send love to ones who have become lost to the darkness of their own selfishness and inability to feel true compassion or love, will find within themselves the deep compassion for ALL life that the Ascended Masters revealed when they faced their final initiation.
We, your Higher Expressions of SELF,
commend you and offer all the assistance that you need.
In fact, by the many “super-human” tasks that have occurred during this disaster, you know that YOU are your Higher SELF,
and your Higher SELF is right HERE within your NOW.

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