Are you now an Observer?

This is a big Hey to all of you out there to let you know that I AM moving this week and next! With all of the chaos out there in the world right now, my own personal world is changing as well. There is one very large difference between me and a lot of our society though.

Even though I AM way too busy, I AM not stressed and really my  inner self is quite relaxed and composed. There are fires here in Oregon no too far from where the new house is out in the country…may be 25 miles? There were small particles of soot lightly dusting the ground as we moved items into storage.

But wait! More chaos is coming! Hurricanes out in the Altantic  (Irma and Jose) may very well force my 82-year old Mother, and brother who live in Eastern NC (about an hour from the Outer Banks) who may very well be flooded and wind-swept not once, but twice from Jose who will likely follow Irma’s path? We shall see…

But…that is ok too. It seems to me that this is the time for those of us in the US to really consider what it means to live from the heart without being attached to all of the “stuff” we have in our lives.

If “The Event” is imminent, then the RV (or any other global financial change) will play out during this moment of chaos in the US, and in my world. That will certainly bring a deep sense of JOY for all involved!

Please take a look at the video below with indications of ????. Please watch below, think about it, and…


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