Beginning Your Transitions ~ Sept. 1, 2017

The Arcturians

through Suzanne Lie

Beloved family members wearing an earth vessel, we the Arcturians speak to you within this NOW, wish to remind you that you are beginning your transition. Since there are so very many expressions of being a human within your NOW, we the Arcturians wish to share what we have seen from observing your bravery and creativity.

First off, many of you have mastered the art of remaining calm and centered in the face of great transition. Not only is your outer world changing faster and faster, but your physical body is also altering more and more.

Now these changes are usually not obvious, or even known, but deep inside, many of you are beginning to feel as if something has shifted. Or, you ask yourself, perhaps it is that something has shifted within your daily life.

The answer, “YES“ to all of these components of your life are changing. These changes are being initiated because your third/fourth dimensional reality of Time and Space is transitioning into your fifth dimensional reality of Here and NOW.

We, the fifth dimensional and beyond components of your true Multidimensional Self, are observing you from our fifth dimensional Ships and from our fifth dimensional Home-worlds. You see, within our fifth dimensional consciousness there is NO time or space to separate us from the perceptions of your reality.

Some of us have even visited your third/fourth dimensional world, which made us greatly appreciate your courage and tenacity in the face of great transition. We realize, that in some ways, humanity has had a more difficult life since they learned of our existence, because the” dreams” and “inner messages” that they have received for most of their lives, are now revealed as truths and memories.

These truths are so close to your hearts and minds, but often so distant from your daily lives. It is for this reason that we have been visiting you more often in our Ships, as well as in your dreams and imagination. Yes, imagination resonates to the frequency of our fifth dimensional reality.

In fact, imagination is the language that we, your Galactic Family always speak. This fifth dimensional language, which often feels like “just my imagination” in our daily life, is sent to you in a package of Unconditional Love for each and every one of you to accept and translate in the manner which best fits your belief system.

We wish to remind you that your higher dimensional expressions of the consciousness, as well as your own thoughts and emotions, are becoming increasingly fifth dimensional. You may wonder why a particular thought or emotion suddenly enters your mind.

We ask that you, now, begin the habit of carefully listening to these random thoughts, emotions and that which you call “day dreams,” as this information is often your first conscious experiences of Light Language.


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