Celestia ~ Never Before Has The Veil Between Our Worlds Become so Thin ~ July 19, 2017

Posted by paulinebattell, 07/18/2017

Celestia, Sister of Adama ~  

With great admiration and gratitude, we congratulate Aurelia Louise as she presents to you another of her treasured volumes on the history, energy and mission of Lemuria. Aurelia has been a guardian of these energies for lifetimes beyond measure. Her heart’s commitment and devotion to her Lemurian family has been unparalleled in the physical realm. Today, she is an emissary unequaled in her desire to share with all humanity the purity of the Lemurian column of love, the Lemurian heart. It is through her heart that we reach out to touch yours.

In this spirit of love and communion that knows no bounds, I invite you to gather with us as you read our words, and connect with the invisible word written between the lines that touch your heart in a personal way. The words of this volume emanate a sacred transmission of awakening. Never before in the history of this planet has such a precious moment so gloriously taken place. We see unfolding wondrous new opportunities for all of you and for all of us in Telos and other Lemurian cities. Your time to remember all that you are is now at hand. It is also time for us to truly celebrate and give gratitude with you for the long awaited “reunion” that is almost upon us.

We offer ourselves to you as mentors and guides in this awakening. All of us who speak to you from the pages of this book and who visit you in your dreams, meditations and waking hours are here as members of a large family who love you so dearly. We are prepared to support you in whatever form your journey takes.

Each step of your awakening presents an opportunity for joy and understanding that is unsurpassed in your evolution. It opens a door into your own mastery and the opportunity to
assist the ever-expanding council of energies that are guiding the Earth through her own awakening.

We send our love to all of you through the joined hands of Adama and Aurelia Louise whose love, thus expressed as an aspect of both realms, may nurture you along your path. We send our remembrances and teachings to you through the wisdom of Adama, Ahnahmar, Angelina and other Elders of Telos and beings of other kingdoms on this planet with whom we work closely. We share our joy with you through the laughter of the children and our visions of what life can be on the surface through the experience and example of our life here in the Earth’s interior. We send you blessings from the very center of our souls and from the Heart of our beloved Lemuria.

This lifetime presents to you the greatest mission, the greatest journey of all.
Each time you have incarnated in Lemuria, the Earth’s interior or on the surface, you have chosen a mission. You have extended yourself in service to the All. Never before has the goodness that is being created so surpassed the expectations of so many of us. Never before has the spectrum of dimensions blended and created the colors that we are seeing today. Never before has the veil between our world and yours become so thin. Never before has the Love we share and experience with the Divine been so great.

We hold you always in the reservoir of our hearts, joining with you now in the play of pure creation and the dawning of a new world!
(Channeled by Beth Iris, incarnated in Telos as Celestia, sister of Adama)
( From Telos Book 2 by Aurelia) 


Art: Lemurian High Priestess by Essieang



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