CERN/Running at High Power/Earth’s Shields Collapsing. ~ May 29, 2017

Ut oh…BP Earthwatch keeps us informed of the latest activity of new super-colliders at  CERN. and it seems like they are up to no good! Keep in mind that this may be aimed at increasing our fear (False Evidence Appearing Real), but please understand that LOVE WINS!

This report, while valid, has been surmounted by the undeniable Power of Love. The scientists at CERN have an objective that will NOT be fulfilled. So…please watch this video, understand that Jessie of BP Earthwatch is not aware of the Truth, and…


3 thoughts on “CERN/Running at High Power/Earth’s Shields Collapsing. ~ May 29, 2017

  1. Well, then why share it if the BP fellow is unaware. Why waste time watching and listening to lies and Falseness. Isn’t there enough of that out there without you giving us more? Strange…..

    Sent from my iPad


    1. Well…I like folks to know the news out there, with comments about the Truth! No point in sticking your head in the sand…

      Much Love…:)

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