Energy Update ~ Chaos Spiral Reaches Peak Momentum! ~ May 15, 2017

By Meg Benedicte, 05/15/2017

What a crazy week it has been! The Scorpio Full Moon did not disappoint…tossing up a cornucopia of conflict, accusations and political infighting. Those still caught up in the 3D polarization matrix will find the increasing Solar Light very uncomfortable. For what worked in the past, no longer has traction. Authoritarian Aggression is an operating system on its last legs. Keep an eye on the upcoming Great American Eclipse arriving on August 21st – it will rock the very core of corrupt establishment.

For many years I’ve been witnessing the destructive reptilian/draconian regime dominate the human race in servitude. This is unraveling as the alien overlords and minions are being escorted off the planet. As this layer of interference dissolves, the final reckoning addresses the archon controllers still active on Planet Earth.

We are seeing desperate attempts by the remaining archons to instigate more war, poverty, pestilence and financial ruin. Don’t give it your power! As unity consciousness spreads around the world, more and more souls are awakening to the artificial reality bubble of Lack! It is a fabricated hologram. There is more energy in the universe then we can even comprehend.

The true story is that humanity has been severed and syphoned from their inherent life force and source connection by invading archons. Since the time of Atlantis there have been ongoing battles with the dark forces to ‘resurrect’ the human race to its original 12 strand DNA access. The current Ascension Plan is the most significant ‘mission of mercy’ attempted to restore peace and harmony to Planet Earth.

It may feel like 2 steps forward, 1 step back…but Light Warriors are making progress. As we evolve from living in a polarized electro-magnetic field into our Soul’s plasma merkaba field, there has been escalated targeting of interference. This is not the time to succumb to victim mentality, but rise up in Soul strength and focused intentions.

The targeting appears in many forms, but some common items to look for are inserted poverty holograms, dimensional barrier veils and viral/fungal/bacterial overload thru scalar wave pulse technology. If you are suffering from any astral/etheric/physical archonic attacks, I recommend embodying your Soul plasma field daily and spin out all interference with the Quantum Vortex.

As the Mayan Ninth Wave activation gains momentum, increasing global unity consciousness is weakening and destroying the archon hold on artificial mind-control propaganda. Humanity is ascending beyond the projections of duality and into the Ninth Wave mind-set of Oneness.

On May 24th a new cycle in the Ninth Wave begins – opening the Universal Heart for all to embrace and embody. We are moving through a deep healing phase as we shed light-years of density and cellular memory of enslavement and persecution. Take this opportunity to decompose old reptilian-hybrid code and liberate your physical vessel to mirror the divine Soul essence within. The Ascension process involves the complete conversion of your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies into a direct materialization of your galactic lineage – your Soul DNA.

This Saturday, May 20th I will be joining my co-host Manette Mays as we guide Light Warriors into the sacred portal of Source – to accelerate the rebirthing of our galactic essence…our divine human self. We will celebrate the global Universal Heart activation as together we ‘Ignite the One Heart Fire’ within.

Join other Light Warriors from around the world and seed your intentions in birthing alive the New Earth on Saturday, May 20th at 12pm PT. Register at:

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


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