MAY 2017 Energy Update ~ Feel The Burn ~ May 2, 2017

By Steve Nobel, 05/02/2017

Are You Feeling the Burn? This has been a strange year for me personally, lots of great things and also lots of challenges that are at the same time assisting me in stepping up in my work and in different areas of my life. Perhaps you can relate?  If so please do not worry since beyond the challenge there is the potential for a great transformation. Perhaps think of it in terms of a great poison being extracted from your body. Once removed you will feel lighter and freer and also more able to connect with higher multidimensional aspects of yourself that exist in grace and unity.

Going Deeper into 2017. As we go deeper into 2017 the energies certainly seem to be intensifying. This is revealing deeper layers of 3D programming within our energy fields and is also shaking loose much of the same for witnessing and letting go. This is not an easy process for many although it is intended to generate a greater merge with the 5D timeline/matrix of the New Earth. This is a time of awakening and reconnecting to our original DNA template which in turn allows for a full activation of our 12-chakra system plus an upgrade of each centre into higher octaves of 5D.

This Process is about Releasing old 3D Programs that have held us to the Outgoing 3D World. There is a certain amount of chaos as the integrity of the 3D Matrix further dissolves. This internal and external dissolution of the 3D Matrix is something that I can personally attest to. Lots of old stuff coming up, weird blocks and interference, and I am feeling lots of anxiety, fear and uncertainty in the collective.

There are different levels of release. At one level, there a cleansing/upgrading of old programs and beliefs. This will help us see the world with new eyes. There is also a cleansing of energy implants. To really get this aspect you need to know that we are a genetically manipulated race. This manipulation is one of the cornerstones of this 3D dimension of earth. Energy implants have different functions, one of the main ones is they can block our energy centres/limit our awakening. An implant can be placed near an energy centre such as the throat or third eye, which can effectively prevent us from hearing or seeing Spirit. Implants can also keep our overall vibration low and can cause us to leak energy. Some implants are there as tagging or remote viewing devices. I have been seeing lots of the latter in clients in recent weeks. Obviously, none of this is for our highest good and needs to be corrected. There is another aspect that needs to be understood. Old karma, cords, contracts/vows with alien races that have a connection to this changing timeline are now also coming up for clearing/release. This is a bit trickier and some of you may need some help with this one, yet once completed, it will open the way for a clearer connection to our Stellar roots, and to our original Adamic template as created long ago by certain founding Star Races.

Where to Begin? For any of the above a good place to start is to ask your Higher Self, guides and Starseed Assistance Teams for help and guidance. You can call upon Archangel Metatron for assistance in this time. Perhaps, ask for a high frequency force field to be placed around you to protect your energy field as the work is going on, I find that the Arcturians are really excellent at removing any implants and interference from ‘dark’ alien races. You can call upon their assistance and ask to be taken to one of their 5D ships or to a Healing Temple in Arcturus itself.The Arcturians are very good at dealing with some of the more troublesome alien groups such as the Reptilian and ‘dark’ Orion races.  (I will be shortly offering an Arcturian Healing Chamber Transmission for assistance in this very shortly).

There is a rising tide of light as the pace of change increases on the planet. If you are reading this then you are part of the wave of change and have agreed to be of service here. This does not mean you will never resist the process. It can be helped if you adopt an attitude of surrender to the new wave and allow it to carry you beyond these stagnant waters towards your true path and true destiny.


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