The Profound Intensity of Embodying More DIVINE MOMMY ~ April 13, 2017

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And ain’t that the painful but glorious truth. Mercy me.

The few times I experienced further Embodying of Divine Cosmic Mommy in late 2015, much more intensely and for longer periods in 2016, then every few weeks so far in 2017 amplifying everything that led up to this by light years (energy stair steps remember?), this has been and continues to be mind-blowing, earth-shaking, life-changing, reality-altering, body-expanding, take-no-prisoners type intense Divine Mommy Embodiment stuff!

This isn’t just additional fragmented aspects of Divine Mommy, of “Cosmic Mother-level divine light” as Sandra Walter called it, but IT in ITS undiluted, non-fragmented, unified natural entirety, and that will literally rock your world—and other parts too which we’ll get to—when Embodying some more of IT into your physical body and therefore consciousness, life and reality. No, this is not about smaller, individualized aspects of the Divine Cosmic Mommy Energy such as what’s represented in a variety of aspects like the female asteroid archetypal energies, female Goddess archetypes, Mother Nature, Amazon Warrior Women, Wives of ancient gods of old, great beauties, Muses and feminine creators etc. No, this is Divine Cosmic Mommy Light Energy returning and currently being Embodied by the Forerunners and anchored back into consciousness, life and reality in the NEW Earth and ALL everywhere. This is big, this is important, this is absolutely necessary, and at times IT simultaneously feels awesome, amazing, empowering, expanding, excruciating and like it may blow your physical heart out with ITS sheer magnitude and intensity, drive you mad sexually, cause you to promise immediate extinction to anyone and anything anywhere that continues negative patriarchal patterns, habits and beliefs that harm/wound/mutilate/rape/plunder/use/steal/or kill another human or other living thing.

Divine Mommy, Divine Cosmic Mother isn’t small in that warm and fuzzy sort of way. IT also isn’t all lovey-dovey and hugs n’ kisses either, and IT certainly is not an “enabler” or “co-dependant”. Divine Mommy as I’m calling this incomprehensible Energy at the moment, is returned because it’s time for IT to be re-integrated into humanity and human consciousness and life and reality finally. This Energy (and IT deserves to be capitalized!) has for so long been exiled, removed, diminished and distorted to such a degree as to be completely impotent and basically meaningless. Mother, whore, virgin, witch, seductress, hag and young maid is about all the patriarchy allowed in of intentionally distorted and controlled Divine Mother archetypes throughout the global patriarchal rule, and because of this, most people are totally unfamiliar with how big, powerful and utterly unstoppable this Divine Cosmic Mommy Energy actually is. We all are increasingly being re-introduced to IT via our ongoing individual Embodiment processes over these past few years, but in 2017, this aspect of the Ascension Process (AP) has reached this NEW level and it’s a blessing but sometimes way over-the-top type experience Embodying a bit more of IT. And that was a huge understatement and you know it is if you’ve lived through this latest 2017 phase of Embodying some more of Divine Cosmic Mommy! Loved to near death; fried to near death; expanded to near death; pushed to near death, awakened to near death and it’s all been so great and terrible and wonderful and sexual and not sexual and not loving and not great and great and wonderful and …

Someone’s Got To Talk About This

I’ve briefly mentioned in previous articles about how I intentionally chose celibacy when it was time for me to, once again, “re-enter the Sacred Temple” at age 39 in 1991, to prepare for the start of the biological, physical-level Ascension Process in 1999. I chose to be celibate in 1991 because my time fooling around trying to be just a human ended with the start of my Uranus Opposition at that age. This was a Soul Contract so lose the furrowed brow and saddened heart. I was grateful I had those first 39 years to complete karma with others, experience a few things, have lots of sex, and grow myself in different ways. But, as I painfully discovered back in my sexually active years during the 1970s and 1980s, Team Dark (TD) took advantage of every romantic relationship and every sexual act no matter how much “love”, compassion, connection and devotion was involved. TD was always there stealing beautiful, loving sexual energy generated by myself and male partner(s). And/or they were intentionally manipulating myself, current partner, other people etc. to create negative energies from sexually active people so we’d all produce fear, jealousy, guilt, anger, sexual addictions, distrust, neediness, emotional imbalance and so on for them to energetically feed from. TD didn’t care what created the energy they stole from humans, just that they got it constantly which meant they also endlessly manipulated people into producing low-frequency emotional energies any way they could. For me in the 70s and 80s it was a No Win situation with romantic/love/sexual relationships because TD ran the world back then; the Light hadn’t arrived, which meant it was a terribly dark and dangerous place making the love/romance/sex/love-making business painful in one way or another, dangerous and usually frustrating. The things I’ve clairvoyantly Seen and personally experienced in relation to this topic would turn your stomach, shock you and cause you to become celibate too. I’m talking about the bad old days, today it’s a different story IF you and partner are both functioning at a much higher level of HighHeart being and awareness where TD cannot reach and therefore affect you in those old lower ways. Frequency, it’s all about different levels of frequency and where you’re at.

So I’ve been in a No Sex Zone since age 39 by choice for said reasons. It was easy and felt grand not having to risk and/or sacrifice so much just to make love with a male I was involved with. Higher Awareness and Being always includes great changes and greater personal responsibilities.

But, with the return of some more Divine Mommy Energy every year since 2015, one of the many ways our physical bodies interprets and responds to IT is a whole-body and being sense of tremendously amplified “sexual” energy. IT is not “sexual” at all, IT is simply pure, undiluted Divine Cosmic Mother/Mommy Light Energy that, when Embodied physically often feels like nearly unbearable sexual energies flowing through your entire body constantly. Ouch and super yum all at the same time… for weeks and months at a time. Not an exaggeration please understand. Soon we’ll be in this level of Divine Cosmic Mommy/Mother Energy constantly because we’ll have Embodied it completely, and more importantly, adapted to IT so IT will no longer feel to us like anything other than greater Divine Light and LOVE. ❤ ❤ ❤

I hope you realize that the only reason I’m sharing this particular information now is that I know there are some Forerunners out there suddenly feeling a nearly unbearable need to hump someone into divine ecstatic oblivion. This is why so just breath and realize that, as usual, you and your physical body and everything else will Embody a bit more, adapt, adjust, re-adjust a few times, finally get comfortable with the latest NEW Light Energies and then… it will all start-up again at an even higher level with an even greater quantity of Light Energy every time. 

The Amazon Warrior Woman

Another common side effect of our Embodying more of Divine Mommy now is that not only are we individually feeling an absolute intolerance for any and all old negative patriarchal period bullshit, abuses, female mutilations etc., but our Embodying more of IT also anchors IT into the grid-work structures of the NEW Earth, meaning the HighHeart grid that the rest of humanity will eventually be a part of too. Do you understand yet how you are currently a Creator Being via your personal Embodiment Ascension Process? ❤

Divine Cosmic Mommy/Mother Light Energies are at this point, due to them needing to further breakdown the old negative patriarchal insanity, rather Amazon Warrior Woman-like, even for male Forerunners. Don’t fret over any of this as IT will level-out when IT no longer needs to put an end to all that’s been globally accepted mega negativity. We’re already seeing greater number of females and males rebelling against old patriarchal restrictions and negativity and this will only increase the more the Forerunners Embody more Divine Cosmic Mommy Light Energies in ourselves. We’re also seeing more of this NEW Divine Cosmic Mommy/Mother Light Energy returning now via new movies and TV shows with plenty of Amazon Warrior Women types in them.

All you have to do is IT, and while doing IT, understand that your physical heart won’t burst from the sheer force and volume of IT, nor will you go crazy from IT feeling unbearably sexual when in your physical body during these early stages, nor will you go mad and run naked in the streets because you’re becoming a living, Embodied, physical Master of Light housing LOVE within yourself constantly. Yes it feels like you’ll be crushed, exploded, loved/Loved/LOVED unto death and well beyond by IT, but so what in any or all cases? I’m still alive after what all I’ve been through in just these first few months of 2017; I haven’t been jailed for molesting some male stranger; I’m still celibate but that might change due to these massive evolutionary improvements; I’m still Embodying; still ending old negative patriarchal timelines; getting the oil in my car changed; buying toilet paper; still marveling at the stars in the night sky, and falling in LOVE more and more every hour via the Embodiment process. IT stings, IT burns, IT tears apart, IT re-unites, IT expands, IT permanently improves and changes each of us. Let IT, and be grateful for what you’re experiencing and able to do and survive and anchor for future humans.


April 11, 2017

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