Energy Update ~ Amplified Energies Rollin’ In! Manifesting is Crazy Right Now ~ Jan. 18, 2017


By Molly McCord, 01/18/2017

Buckle up, buttercups.

The fast moving energies of 2017 are officially rollin’ in, and time is going to go faster than you thought possible!

I get the visual of a huge new overlay of 5D energies pouring down over 3D energies, invigorating us with fresh cosmic downloads that are assisting us all in raising our individual vibrations in order to raise the collective vibration. We have entered a new paradigm of faster moving energies to support our ascension, growth, healing, expansion, and manifesting abilities.

Have you been feeling it or seeing it in your world? These are the higher 5D energies that are lifting us UP and OUT of the typical 3D timelines and placing us in the dimension of NO time = things just show up, in an instant!

Energies are lining up with our intentions LIKE THAT with very little time to waste. We are being given a cosmic “love push” to act and say YES and go for it and trust what we cannot see.

In spiritual circles, we talk about this stuff a lot. We say “set your intentions” and “get ready to manifest” and “be grateful in advance.” Well now all of that is more real than ever before because global energies are faster for those of us who are choosing to participate in this paradigm.

It’s time to walk the talk and manifest like a maniac. 

Remember, not everyone chooses to move forward or say YES. Do not expect that, or you’ll be disappointed. Your power is in YOUR choices and where you direct YOUR energies; that’s all yours to claim and play with. It is during these fast moving times that we need to also be accepting and DETACH from expectations of others.

Instead, continue on with what you’re ready to manifest and experience now in all areas of your life. It can be THAT good if you allow it.

And you know what this is for you. You really do. It’s something important to you, and the energies are available to everyone. The Universe does not play favorites. And it’s up to you to let it be easy when it shows up! But you may have become accustomed to ignoring it or pushing it down, and now that sweet little “cosmic love push” is asking you to claim the higher frequencies that are here to assist you in some manner.

Astrologically, Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius are making a harmonious trine that is rare, exciting, and supportive of long-term growth. These two power planets are providing fire, motivation, and inspiration for forward movement, which might have felt stalled out in recent years.

Well now it is time, says the cosmos.

Then Jupiter in Libra brings in the abundance, growth, wisdom, and partnership opportunities that take it up a notch with JOY. Collaborating with others and equal relationships will be the keys to good news, help, and grace.

These three planets are going to be playing nicely together throughout the year.

By the end of January, Mars is going to be in Mars, which is like turning a bonfire into a roarin’ BLAZE of fire. The momentum will pick up and you may be surprised by how busy life becomes.

Consider this your heads up! 🙂

So your job right now is to stay clear in your intentions.
Be ready to go for “it” and say YES to what – or who – shows up.
Make time to relax as needed.
Keep moving forward.
Smile and ENJOY.

{ Current astrology session offerings are here. My astrology session times fill up fast, so please fill out the form completely so we can schedule your appointment more quickly.}


4 thoughts on “Energy Update ~ Amplified Energies Rollin’ In! Manifesting is Crazy Right Now ~ Jan. 18, 2017

  1. Do you mean Mars will ingress into Aries come end of January?….bless!🦁Daphné

    On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, roseramblesdotorg wrote:

    > cindyloucbp posted: ” By Molly McCord, 01/18/2017 Buckle up, buttercups. > The fast moving energies of 2017 are officially rollin’ in, and time is > going to go faster than you thought possible! I get the visual of a huge > new overlay of 5D energies pouring down over 3D en” >

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