as we shift – Partial Disclosure? 25+ reasons to just say no

Sophia mandala

I AM soooo “on-board” with this article by Sophia Love…one of my favorite spiritual teachers! Please read this article, be ready to educate your friends and family as our true freedom approaches, and…




This post is a response to a narrative out there.  It says that a full disclosure is not a good idea now, that somehow humans would be too shocked to function if they found out that:

  • Their governments have been lying to them about just, well, everything
  • There are many more races in the universe than have been suggested by anyone in an official capacity
  • These are not all nice and not all naughty – they are a mix
  • There are brutal factions in just about every race of life
  • These groups torture, rape, abuse and kill for fun and profit
  • These races do not exist to serve the human or exploit the human – they exist for their very own and various reasons
  • Free energy exists
  • Food replicators exist
  • Healing and complete rejuvenation of the physical form is possible
  • Some humans are aware of and utilize the technology for the 3 previous items
  • Money is  not necessary; it is a tool used to create a slave state
  • We are slaves, used in some cases for physical profit and in all cases for monetary gain and complete control
  • There are many thousands of slaves on and off planet right now
  • Vast amounts of your tax dollars pay for all of these things
  • All of your institutions are tools of control.  Their agendas and rules are set up by beings, many of them human. God had nothing to do with it
  • All of history is distorted, created even, to paint a picture that you are meant to believe and stake your life on.  This doesn’t mean it is true
  • You have been lied to
  • There is a lot more going on in space than you know, in every imaginable way
  • You have been experimented on
  • You are the most powerful beings in creation.  This is the reason for every previous item
  • You are powerful and unique because of what you were born with; your genetics and emotional capacity
  • Both of these things are more valuable to the controllers (the ones running this experiment on earth), than money
  • Your emotional energy is necessary as fuel for the life force of the controllers. Fear and terror produce the most powerful “food”
  • They (human and non-human controllers) are not sorry and do not care about your pain – they do not think about you as something to care about
  • Partial disclosure allows them to continue their slave trade and ownership agenda.  Full disclosure does not
  • They are trying to convince you to be happy with partial disclosure, (just as with every other mass media controlled event or war or inoculation or law or tax) for their own benefit
  • They do not (and will never) propose solutions for any reason that impedes their ability to continue. Remember this.
  • Partial disclosure perpetuates these lies

We are finding our voice. It began quietly.  Gradually its volume grows.  None of these truths consider you.

You are here for this very moment.  As revelations occur, step up.  Explain how these things in fact could be true and at the same time not be indicators of the end of the world.  In fact, they mean we now approach real freedom.

The bad things happened.  In some cases they still are. We are equipped with all that we need to insure they stop happening now. Our passion and love for each other strengthens our resolve.  Now we can take the reins of this world and steer.

Years back when you couldn’t wait to share your new found truth with everyone, it didn’t go well.  Remember?  You were ignored, ostracized or too afraid to share all that you knew for fear of one of those reactions.

Today, you are being called to share.  You won’t have to introduce the subject – just wait for the latest revelation.  Then offer the support and comfort you are here to supply.

You are needed now.  What is not being considered in this conversation of partial disclosure is the fact of us. We are here to shift this patient.  We will no longer be placated with stories of “wait until the time is right.”  The time is now.

There are many of us.  We each know many others.  We are spread all over the globe.

The morphic field changes in an instant.  We are brilliant, loving, creative beings.  We are gods in human suits.  It is with full disclosure of every atrocity, life form and form of technology and control that humanity realizes its full potential for conscious life.

Partial disclosure only lengthens the game and perpetuates the lie.  We are wearing our grown up clothes now and can handle all of the truth. That’s how full consciousness is realized.

Full consciousness is the ultimate goal. Intend, believe and create full disclosure.  Be prepared to assist as it happens. Your time is now.  You are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

With gratitude and love,

PS Join us each week, sign up for my newsletter here!  Check out “The Guardian”, here!

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