The Slow Merging of Higher & Lower Selves in the Physical Body & Incarnate Self ~ Dec. 8, 2016


By Denise Le Fay, 12/07/2016

There’s been periods throughout 2016 when I knew my physical body and DNA were rather dramatically evolving again. My first human thought usually is if any of these weird changes I’m feeling are age related, and no doubt some of them are, however most are added changes due to it being the third 9 energy year (2016) within the Ascension Process and Galactic Alignment.

I’ve been very aware of some of these changes because the way my physical body responds to certain things, usually emotional things, is wildly different from anything I’ve experienced in my life. The first time I felt this was early in my physical, biological Ascension Process around 2000. I was driving and my Mom said something funny and I laughed out loud. Nothing unusual about that except that I was instantly shocked by the dramatically increased amount of energy in me and my body when I laughed. To me it felt and sounded HUGE and I was surprised, confused and slightly embarrassed by such amplified force blasting out of me through my laughter. I’d never felt that before because it had never existed before and it was a really startling change.

After some time I realized that what I’d felt, and from my perspective heard, was a tremendous increase in the amount of energy I had within my physical body, and when I laughed it felt and sounded massive and unusually loud and powerful. It took some getting used to this sudden change in how much “voltage” I suddenly had running through me and my physical body back in the early days of the Ascension Process. Of course this Process has never stopped or ended since then, but continued and increased in the amount of Light Energy I (and you reading this) was consistently taking on and embodying as I energetically climbed these many evolutionary Ascension Stair-steps over the years and decades.

Decades ago my Mom told me the story about when I was a baby all she had to do was lay a blanket on the floor, put me in the middle of it, and I would not leave the blanket. After she told me this, I told her why I didn’t leave the blanket and it was because I was afraid to and would not crawl out into the “world” because I knew from infancy where I was and how unsafe life on 3D Earth really was. That’s a difficult burden to carry from infancy and not have it crush or break you in any way(s). The only other person I’ve read talk about being consciously aware of where they had incarnated is Inelia Benz, and she said she cried uncontrollably for days before their family doctor had to sedate her. My personality—plus my conscious memories of many Team Dark “monster” beings—has been to go into stealth mode so the “monsters” of this world and beyond hopefully wouldn’t notice or sense me down here, quietly immobile on my blankie! Scream and cry and make a lot of noise and commotion? Not me, I’d do everything I could to become invisible and literally fly under Team Dark’s (TD) radar as much as I could get away with for as long as I could. That is why I never left the blanket as an infant. Different story the older I got however because, like it or not, I was/am a ‘Volunteer’ and I had/have a job to do while incarnate here during this very important Ascension Process and evolutionary shift out from under those very “monsters”.

Another important life awareness and early memory I’ve had since age two or three years, was a time when my Mom and Dad were driving the three of us somewhere. Keep in mind that this was back in the early 1950s and baby carriers and car seats etc. didn’t exits. Because it evidently was a longer than usual drive we were taking, Mom had laid my crib mattress in the back seat of the car, covered it in blankets and surrounded it with protective pillow barricades for me. It was my own little travel “nest” in the back seat of their car.

At some point during this drive I felt a never before experienced emotion and physical body sensation that was powerful enough to cause a two-year-old to remember and recognize it for life. What I suddenly felt was an all-encompassing sense of safety, security, empowerment, peace, physical comfort, emotional comfort, spiritual comfort and HighHeart memory of and direct sensations of with Higher nonphysical HOME. It was blissful in those rare moments, those highly unusual feelings of being utterly safe, protected, nurtured, loved, LOVED, comfortable and consciously aware that I was a multidimensional being that existed simultaneously in higher and lower frequency dimensions and “realities” while being very young Denise incarnate in physicality, again.

I’m stressing how real this was on both emotional and physical levels because I, as Denise, had never felt safe, secure or comforted being reincarnate on physical 3D Earth now! The profound extremes between feeling like constant prey in the Dark physical Land of Evil Monsters, and, feeling that Divine Source had my back was a terrible, lovely, disturbing contrast, especially for a very young child. But, such are the lives, experiences and awareness of most Forerunners/Starseeds/Wayshowers/Higher Frequency Beings of Light in what’s been incomprehensibly negative and Dark for so very long.

I’ve mentioned many times how very difficult life has been for me since early 2014, and 2015 wasn’t any improvement either but more about dealing with all the changes caused by my Mom’s sudden 2014 stroke and subsequent worsening dementia. Things, situations, places, people and ways of life have been winding up, winding down, imploding, exploding, falling away, disappearing and dying and all of it has been part of this Ascension Process. A few days ago I was reviewing the years from 2014 to now, the end of 2016, and it’s honestly been hard to grasp in its entirety. 2014 and 2015 were wild years of sudden and dramatic change and I know this isn’t remotely over yet. December 2015, the first energy “Wave” of that year began for me very differently from all previous Ascension Process years and decades. Last December 19, 2015 I suddenly felt like I had a seven foot-long spear going through my physical body at and through the upper chest area at the HighHeart. Needless to say it was amazingly painful as my HighHeart and surrounding area went through greater evolutionary changes.

I’ve often been able to clairvoyantly See the different evolutionary higher Light energies coming into this dimension and my physical body as lines of Light. Back in 1999 and the early 2000s, I could See these different lines of Light coming into my body and/or my head in very specific angles and degrees, somewhat like laser lines of evolutionary Light, that needed to enter the body and/or specific organs and chakra areas etc. in highly specific geometric angles. Some of these lines of Light would connect with another line of Light, usually at endocrine glands but not always, again in highly specific angles and directions etc. that were intentional, not random or accidental. I’m not very familiar with Chinese acupuncture and meridian lines in the human body etc., but what I’ve clairvoyantly Seen over the decades of these Ascension Process lines of Light entering my body and head have reminded me of a type of Divine geometric Light“acupuncture” energies let’s call it, that further activates certain DNA to evolve, change and expand at specific times and so on. Said another way, these very high frequency evolutionary lines of Light enter us, our bodies and consciousness, our body “grid”, our consciousness “grid”, our emotional HighHeart “grid” so to speak, at specific angles and directions that are sixth dimensional (6D) and geometric.

So if you too have clairvoyantly Seen a line or lines of Light energies coming into your body and head at clearly defined angles and intersecting with other lines of Light, then you know that there’s a higher blueprint being followed and overlaid on and within us and we call it compressed evolution. If you can See it, it’s rather stunning in its perfection and clarity despite how often it makes us feel! Lead to Gold…

Since November 2016 I’ve had this same sensation of a seven foot-long spear (line of Light) going through my HighHeart, upper chest area of my physical body. My beloved cat partner entering his death process and suddenly dying last month didn’t make that any easier to endure and things have felt like unseen bombs have continuously gone off left and right, red and blue, light and dark ever since. Put quiet simply, it’s been really horrible in multiple ways for a long time now. Like I needed to even say that to the people reading this!

Having said all that I need to quickly add that off and on since December 2015, I’ve very much felt this growing sensation in me and my physical body that clearly lets me know that tremendous evolutionary progress is being made in between the explosions and pains of our current lives. Like my experience as a two-year-old in my little “nest” in the backseat of my parents car, I have been clearly feeling that old familiar sensation of HOME now in me, in my physical body, right here, right now. This is, from my current perspective and level of awareness, the ongoing merging of my Higher Self with my Lower Self in Denise’s physical body and incarnational timeline during this Ascension Process. Hot damn kids, we’re doing it!

So far to me this ongoing merging process feels like increasingly being at ease, at peace, empowered beyond belief, safe, comfortable, in love/LOVE with self and Self and Source because they are all One within me and my physical and energetic bodies and evolving consciousness. So too for you reading this but it probably feels a bit differently to you and that’s normal and to be expected.

But, if you’re also feeling a strong and constant growing inner sensation of being comfortable in your skin; of growing personal Sovereignty; of increasingly being out of range of TD and their influences; of not being able to relate to the old world or have any interest in it whatsoever other than to put it out of its misery once and for all, then you’re feeling the merging of your Higher & Lower Selves taking place IN you and your body and HighHeart. And yes it’s blissful, timeless, and yes it is crazy painful sometimes but who cares because it’s happening, for real! Higher HOME is here now—in the early stages—in many of us and it’s why there are those moments of timeless bliss and hanging with Source because Source and Self are merging and becoming One within each of us. Just imagine what reality will be like with hundreds of thousands or millions of Source-as-Self connected Sovereign human Light beings living and creating on 5D Earth.

  All this sounds so wonderful, and it is, and yet this cusp-like, transitional between two worlds and levels of being, consciousness and reality really gets to be way too much sometimes. Off and on all year I’ve had more periods where I was so not of this world feeling and functioning that it was all I could do to go out into it and forage for groceries and toilet paper and have to actually physically speak to another human being! Off and on all year I’ve had times where I couldn’t string a sentence together well enough to communicate with a physical human. Typing is easier thank gawd but this is no way to have to exist, this half-in and half-out sort of business. This I AM Divine Source yet I still have to interact with repulsive unaware humans existing and functioning in old lower TD’s frequency range and are totally mind controlled and not to be trusted for a second. How long can this insanity and tension-filled gaping gap continue? Not long because I don’t want to do it for starters. Another big shift is close now thankfully because it’s impossible to be in bliss while driving your car or interacting with a cashier somewhere just like it’s nearly impossible to have to interact with unaware humans that honestly believe they’ve got it all figured out, are so clever and powerful and think you’re easy prey. Give me strength to be Neutral and unaffected by the silly shit in all its diverse forms…

There’s a lot going on now as we all knew there would be at the end of this third 9 energy year of completions. I’ve had to spend a lot of time almost every day laying down doing nothing and being very still while this merging continues. It will get easier but until it does, rest often, sleep whenever you need to no matter what time of day or night it is, eat what and when your body needs the fuel, be alone while this massive spiritual, energetic and physical evolution unfolds in you and your body, always move among the human zombies with Higher Awareness, and radiate your Light like crazy around the humans waking up and feeling their HighHearts birthing within them now. 2017 will be tons more of this for many more people so be ready for it and much more as best as you can.


Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is NOT given to use this article in any custom videos. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.


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