Big Changes in September ~ September 2, 2016


This is a short piece written by Raven, a female spiritual warrior. She has some pretty interesting comments here, please overlook her “selling” her product…unless you feel drawn to this! 🙂 SO…please read, imagine how your life will change in September, and…


Happy September, New Moon, & Solar Eclipse!

I spent the New Moon in ceremony with Priestess Sisters. We gathered around a fire at our cabin in the mountains and created ritual for ourselves and our loved ones and the planet. We consciously made the decision to utilize this gateway opportunity of the Solar Eclipse (and everything else!) to jump through some accelerated vibrational hoops. As we sat together in meditation and sharing, the fire blazed, the sky turned dark and billions of stars began to dance. I sat in deep gratitude for these women, the ancient mountains, the changing planet, and sharing life at this moment in our perceived time and space.

September will be, by many accounts, a month of great change; a culmination. It is not a month to lose focus or to drift on automatic pilot. Our bodies are catching up this month with some big shifts that have already taken place energetically. An open heart is needed and, as most of us have been learning for awhile, surrendering to “what is.”  Many believe we will be living in a very different world before long. Many feel they already are.

My friend Tara recently talked about a personal experience that also resonated with me. A few short years ago, she remembers practicing the art of gratitude. She would catch herself during the day and shift her thoughts to things for which she was thankful. It was challenging sometimes, impossible at other times, but she kept at it. It occurred to her that she now lives gratitude in every moment. It’s a concept she has mastered. It is who she is and she is grateful for what she previously would have labeled both good and bad and the truth that it brings out in her and others. She is unattached to the old patterns and beliefs of this world and deeply rooted in presence. This is a huge shift at a core level that has changed her world.

In what ways has your own shifting opened up your universe? How have you changed? I’d love to read your thoughts on my facebook page.

This month, we delve deeper into the unknown. Fear stays behind and Love guides the way. My third interview with Maia Nartoomid on Ascension is coming soon. Email me to be added to the list.
Enjoy the Journey.

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