Oh…this short piece is so true! Oh yes, there are indeed conspiracy theorists out there, in here, over there involved in a spiritual conspiracy! So please read this, think about this from the bottom of your soul, and…


“On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.

But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground

An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are

being called to a higher light .

It is a silent revolution.

From the inside out. From the ground up.

This is a Global operation…

A spiritual conspiracy.

There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.

You won’t see us on the T.V.

You won’t read about us in the newspaper

You won’t hear about us on the radio

We don’t seek any glory

We don’t wear any uniform

We come in all shapes and sizes

Colors and styles

Most of us work anonymously

We are quietly working behind the scenes in every country and culture of the world

Cities big and small, mountains and valleys, in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands

You could pass by one of us on the street and not even notice

We go undercover

We remain behind the scenes

It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit

But simply that the work gets done

Occasionally we spot each other in the street

We give a quiet nod and continue on our way

During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs

But behind the false storefront at night is where the real work takes a place

Some call us the ‘Conscious Army’

We are slowly creating a new world with the power of our minds and hearts

We follow, with passion and joy

Our orders from the Central Spiritual Intelligence

We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking






Kind words


Meditation and prayer


Social activism



Random acts of kindness

We each express ourselves in our own unique ways with our own unique gifts and talents

‘Be the change you want to see in the world’

That is the motto that fills our hearts

We know it is the only way real transformation takes place

We know that quietly and humbly we have the power of all the oceans combined

Our work is slow and meticulous

Like the formation of mountains

It is not even visible at first glance

And yet with it entire tectonic plates shall be moved in the

centuries to come

Love is the new religion of the 21st century

You don’t have to be a highly educated person

Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it

It comes from the intelligence of the heart

Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings

Be the change you want to see in the world

Nobody else can do it for you

We are now recruiting

Perhaps you will join us

Or already have….

All are welcome…

Author Unknown


New Moon in Scorpio – the Resurrection of Desire ~ October 23, 2014


Wow!  As I AM writing this, the solar eclipse is at it fullest and although I’m not looking directly at the sun (way tooo dangerous!), I can tell a slight difference in lowered light intensity for this time of the afternoon in Arizona. But way more changes are happening other than a dip in the light from the sun. Astrological changes bring energy changes here on Planet Earth and there are significant changes happening today!

This date marks the start of the Sun and the new moon being in the house of Scorpio and as  the author of this article says, “The vibration of Scorpio is linked with evolution.” Humanity will awaken even more to our ability to love and see the light of truth. Oh…there is so much more entailed with the astrology that starts today! So…please read this article, think about how this applies to you, and…


By Simon Vorster

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

After conquering the wasted lands, the quest of the warrior again commands that we march into a world unknown – the wilderness we call our home.

We are entering Hades’ lair. Don’t be afraid! The new lunar cycle in Scorpio brings with it a powerful cosmic flush in which the process of total inner transmutation is available for us. In order for us to do so we will need to confront the inner core vibration of who we are. We have to dig deep, to the soul level.

Welcome to dark inner landscape of your own soul.

Happy birthday Scorpio!

Understanding the Vibration of Scorpio & Pluto

The vibration of Scorpio is linked with evolution. In nature we observe it as the caterpillar’s metamorphosis into a butterfly – the original form transmuting into a totally different form. This is why Scorpio energy has been labeled as rebirth energy.


When we reach the vibration of Scorpio, we begin to recognize that there is more to the reality than what appears on the surface. Through the human condition, the vibration of Scorpio plays out the role of the deepest psychology of our consciousness. Through intense inquiry into what lies beneath the surface, Scorpio wants to know the bottom line. As we begin delving deeper into the nature of our psyche we become aware of our motivations, intentions obsessions and compulsions. You see, this is actually where our deepest unconscious securities lie; our fixations and attachments to things in our lives, even to life itself.

Scorpio has a dualistic nature of desire to it. On the one hand, through Scorpio we have the desire to evolve and change and on the other hand we have the desire to feel empowered, which comes through experience and knowing, from past experience. However the very thing that empowers us will eventually cause limitations, which in itself is disempowering. This is where the desire to change is born – to evolve past limitations. Old and outdated patterns of behavior cause limitations. These limitations then come up for renewal. An action of involution takes place; letting go as it were. This allows space to be created and for new psychological patterns to be born.

So let´s take a look at the cosmos…

Saturn in Scorpio

The Shadow Self.

This will be the last time for at least another 29 years that the sun will travel through the constellation Scorpio while Saturn is also in Scorpio. This is a very special cycle in terms of our evolution because an entire chapter is coming to a close. With this comes the final awareness of the lessons that are related to the Saturn in Scorpio transit.

For much of the last two years we have been dealing with intense dark truths about the nature of humanity. We have become completely aware of the nonsense that today’s authorities and institutions project into our perception about what is real and what is not – even to the point now where we look at the recent Ebola outbreak as a hoax.

Saturn in Scorpio has been showing us exactly what is happening in the transit of Pluto through Capricorn. It has been giving us a preview, and we certainly became aware of our own individual and collective karma. With this mutual reception we have been greatly aided in ripping down all the outdated definitions and cleaning our perception of our outer world. Along with this came the undoing of the authoritative power we give to the hierarchic structures. Essentially the veil of illusion that governments, institutions, corporations and corporate media has hidden behind has now been removed and the truth is there in plain sight, allowing us to flush out these deep dark distortions that existed within us.

We were also, during this time, becoming aware of our external security patterns and how we placed them in the hands of these authorities. We learnt the biggest spiritual lesson during this transit; total security can only be found from within. What has emerged during this time for humanity is that the year of 2014 has been one in which we have become awake to our own freedom. Our spiritual freedom. We have been learning that we are sovereign spiritual beings of this earth. We have begun recognizing our own authority.

It is time now to establish that personal, inner authority in the world. This is the key to actualizing our desires and becoming awake to them. With this knowledge we are able to make choices to move away from, and stop supporting, these outdated structures one step at a time. This will inevitably lead to their fall.

Now as the Sun, Moon and Venus enter Scorpio and also form a partial solar eclipse, we will become aware of the inner work that we have done. We will be putting the pieces of the puzzle together. This is not likely to be an easy process, and we can expect to be tested. But over time we will align ourselves with new truths and begin the next part of this epic journey, fresh and ready.

Neptune trine Venus, Moon and Sun


This planetary alignment reflects to us an important aspect that needs to be included when understanding this month’s theme. Love is the binding force in the universe. It is the source of all things. It creates unity and as a result, the very vibration that is holding us together during this time of inner spiritual transmutation. With Venus, the Sun and the Moon all in harmonic contact with Neptune we see that this new moon in Scorpio is saying; Hey! We need to commit (Scorpio) to valuing (Venus) LOVE (Neptune). We need to merge with and deepen our relationship to love. Allowing this vibration of love to be the new guiding force in the new paradigm.

New Moon - Astrology

If we are to begin rebuilding the new way of being on earth, we will all need to trust our own inner authority. Once we have that as our base note, we radiate love. The idea of love in this context is understanding our connection to our inner nature. Understanding that we ultimately are not separate from source. We are one. Unity consciousness.

As I wrote in the article “Moon in Pisces – the Crisis Point” in September:

“We have lost our connection to god which means we have lost our connection to ourselves. This runs so deep within our consciousness that this is the very reason we look outside ourselves for answers, to authorities who claim to have the expertise that you yourself are lacking for your existence here on earth. This is why we override our instincts with logical ideas that we have been conditioned to believe. This is why we have allowed the people in power to make decisions for us. This is why we have allowed our earth to be polluted, our food to be poisoned, our land and natural resources to be claimed. This is all because of the illusion of separateness – the distortion that tells us humans are separate from nature, that Spirit and flesh are not connected. That we are not connected. Race separation, gender assignment, economic status etc. This sense of separateness keeps us from the love that we are all so desperately seeking.”

This very abandonment of our true connection to spirit is what is being healed. We are now digging to the depths of our souls and clearing the things blocking us from our true connection to god/source/love. We will be facing our souls and trough that becoming aligned with our true soul purpose. We will be feeling the burning desire to link our sense of purpose or destiny into our lives. Yet at the same time we will be feeling unsure about what that desire actually is. We can sense it, but not know it. That is okay, in fact it is completely natural to feel this way. We, and the zodiac as our mirror, have not actually reached the point yet in which that impulse is ready. There are some steps we need to take in order for that to happen.

Mercury retrograde square Pluto and in opposition to Uranus in Aries

Alignment of inner truth.

With mercury retrograde being in Libra, our ability to take in information from others is restricted. It creates a sense of not really understanding what people are trying to say from their perspective. The information becomes blurry as the linear logical mind is offline. This is important as the idea behind the alignment is to force total inner awareness and to search for information inwardly, from our intuition in a way that makes sense personally to ourselves. It may be easy to connect to this inner knowing, yet impossible to convey it to another.

Mercury R is making a last quarter phase (276 degree) square to Pluto creating a crisis in consciousness where old ways of thinking and understanding aspects of reality have become outdated so we are needing to create new ways of seeing things. This is a mind opening experience, helping us to explore fresh new territory. Again, as mercury is retrograde, this is all happening within us. Uranus in Aries square Pluto and opposing Mercury R is, in short, reflecting our total liberation from pre-existing definitions and conditioning.

Now, all of this is actually pointing to the Mars in Sagittarius transit. Mars is currently culminating its transit through Sagittarius and also forming a balsamic (culminating) aspect to Pluto. This combination will give us the feeling of both being pulled towards the next steps in our evolution, into the new, and at the same time we are being pulled back into ourselves, into the abyss, to return to source and surrender our ego will to the higher will.

The bottom line of this whole awakening is the awareness that we are experiencing our inward journey back home; becoming aware of our spiritual nature. For each and every one of us, this journey is an inward one. Again, this is the reason we will feel a disconnection from others that have not yet ‘awoken’. They are defining their truths based on other people’s truths. This alignment reflects that we are learning to connect with our own personal and individual truths, and realizing our own spiritual journeys.

What resonates and feels right for you?

As you focus on this, you will become more aligned with your own personal vibration – your ‘higher self’. This is why it is important to look within.

New Moon, solar eclipse in Scorpio

Resurrection of desire.

So as we begin this new moon cycle we are filled with intense anticipation that something new is on the horizon and yet we cannot quite put our finger on it. We feel we are all ready to go, but there is something missing.

The New Moon in Scorpio will be highlighting to us where we are not being true to ourselves. With this energetic connection in Scorpio we will be acutely sensitive to any vibration that is not in alignment with our true nature, both in ourselves and others.

At the very core of our being is our connection to nature. Any fears or distortions within us that are interfering with this connection will need to be confronted, and we will feel urged to confront them head-on. We are needing to understand our motives and explore our desires. We need to question our actions, desires and intentions (Scorpio) and get to the bottom line.

As we clear out the distortions the picture will become clearer. Our true desires and soul intention will be sensed on a very deep level. We then start linking these intentions and desires (New Moon in Scorpio) to that feeling and sense of special destiny or purpose (Jupiter in Leo), add the vibration of love (Neptune trine Venus) and then finally align it with the vibration of personal higher will (Mars in Sagittarius), we come to a space with our self in which the whole dimension of the body mind and soul are aligned.

How beautiful is that!?

New Moon Mantra

As we begin to explore our own darkness and confront our shadow, we know that beyond that darkness is nothing but light. Just as the phoenix must be reduced to ashes, from which it is reborn, so too must we remove all of the outdated aspects of ourselves for the new vibrant life-force to emerge. We understand that we contain the source code of creation. As we keep searching, clearing and confronting, we are healing our severed connection to source and resurrecting our personal desire – desires that will serve to build our new world.

We are recognizing that we are powerful beyond measure. That we have the power to be our own authority. That we have the courage to choose love. That love will light our way. It is our guiding force. It is the very core of our being. It is what we are made of. It is the highest, brightest vibration within creation. So we dig deep into our souls and clear the way for the true power of creation to emerge within! As we confront all that gets in the way – with love – it will dissolve. For we are not small! We are the universe expressed in human form!

Be the Change!







Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa, October 10, 2014


Mike Quincey provides us with another channelled message from SaLuSa, from Sirius . In this message, I kind of get the feeling that SaLuSa is educating and preparing us for the experience we are about to undergo…that is, a sudden rise in the human vibration we understand as consciousness.

All souls will undergo this vibrational change, but not all will understand it, nor like it as each will make an adjustment that is personalized to themselves. Some will ascend, some will remain here on a peaceful earth and experience abundance and healing, some will find themselves remaining in a 3D world, and some will be deemed of an unsolvable nature and be sent to the Central Sun for destruction/reprocessing.

Please read SaLuSa’s message and learn that the very bests course of action to take is one of LOVE. Love yourself, love your neighbors…just love and avoid the myriad of  distractions available in this 3d world specifically designed to keep you from knowing…and remaining in your truth!

SaLuSa offers wise words, please read them, ponder a bit of how they might apply to you, and…


We are as ever closely following your progress and pleased to note that so many of you are fully engaged in preparing yourselves for the continuing rise in vibrations that are carrying you into the higher levels. As we have previously informed you, because you are raising your vibrations at a rate that will carry you forwards to the point of Ascension into the next level, it need not be seen as a separate happening. You are flowing with the increases in vibration, and slowly but surely you are creating a crystalline based body with all of the advantages that come with it. You will ascend by your own efforts and dedication to bring harmony and balance to yourself. Clearly not every soul is capable of achieving such a level, but all will eventually find their ideal and perfect level. Already many of you are in total control of what is taking place where you are concerned. We encourage you to stay completely focussed on your goal at such an important time, and do not link your energy with anything that is of a lesser vibration.

There is always a risk that you will be pulled into other peoples affairs, which is alright as long as you keep yourself centred at all times. You can be a peace maker without getting personally involved in other people’s issues. You can still be a healer if that is your desire, but remember to close your aura at the end of a session. I am sure that you need little reminding of these precautions, but there is a need to be fully aware of any risk to yourself. Self-healing will continue but as time passes it will become less and less necessary. You will find that your body will “rejuvenate” itself in the course of time, and indeed we know that some of you already feel that your bodies are becoming more in balance regardless of your age. So you see that you are entering a period of notable changes that will also affect souls who are otherwise unaware of them. Ultimately all souls will find the right level that is necessary for them to carry on progressing and evolving.

For many souls this cycle will see the end of their need to experience in the lower vibrations. Once the lessons have been learnt you move on to a higher level, and so you continue to evolve where progress takes you higher into the Realms of Light. At present you are but a small point of Light, but it is rapidly expanding as you move higher and higher. Ultimately you will become an immense Being of Light, but for the time being it is sufficient to say that you have started that journey. Meantime you can start looking forward to an exciting time that will give you all manner of interesting experiences. Perhaps you will find the prospect of meeting your Space family the most exciting, and the opportunity of returning to your home planet. There is so much for you to explore and a whole variety of missions that you can undertake. Your future will be one that you choose, and it will be to spread the Light far and wide.

Some people on Earth have a certain degree of curiosity about their purpose for being on it, and are interested in life in general but find it difficult to know which sources of knowledge to trust. Generally speaking we would say simply follow your intuition, as it will lead you gently onwards to find an appropriate source of information. Clearly you can be overwhelmed by the truth and it makes good sense to gradually introduce it a level that will be acceptable to you. Also bear in mind that once you become receptive to receiving information, the more you will receive. All of you have Guides and Helpers who will “arrange” events so that you meet the right people, and also have enlightening experiences. These are all carried out with your knowledge and acceptance, although you may not have any waking memory of them. You are never left alone to seek without help, and even those souls who wallow in the darkness have help on hand as soon as they respond to the Light.

Sometimes in the depth of depression you can feel as though you do not have a single friend in the world, yet help is always just a thought away. In these emotional states you are very difficult to reach, but you are showered with love that will eventually lift you up. You may ask why you are allowed to experience such trauma and the answer is “for the experience” to enable the growth of your soul. It is such circumstances and the lessons to be learnt that bring about a rapid growth, that allows more Light to be attracted to you. You could say that the Earth is the place of the hard taskmaster, and that is generally true but it is also where you learn your lessons most quickly.

We look upon Earth and see souls at all various degrees of evolution, and how they mix and work with each other. Sometimes it leads to violent acts as there is a tendency for them to become very insular and selfish. These are observed by more advanced souls who can still learn lessons from them without getting involved. The interaction between different groups of Beings is all part of experience that enables you to evolve. Karma can be extremely complicated, but be assured that it works out perfectly so that all souls involved can benefit from it. You would in fact be surprised if you knew how much attention was given to karmic issues, to ensure all souls involved gain from it. You will no doubt be relieved to learn that once you have risen above the 3rd dimension, you will have effectively cleared your karma.

As your eyes are opened to the truth of your being even more questions arise as your level of consciousness expands, and there are always more knowledgeable Beings around you to give the answers. Even now if you can put yourself in a meditative state and clear your mind so that you are receptive, you can communicate with Higher Beings. Let them know what information you need, and you may get an immediate response, or it may come to you later at a time when you are not expecting it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and always pleased to work with Michael for your enlightenment. May the Love and Light be with you always.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey
Tree of the Golden Light 


The Optical Universe


Now… it’s ALL beginning to make sense to me! Many of us, including me, have always wondered why this, the world, is all here and how does it work? These have been vital questions for me causing me to go into deep periods of reflection. The usual answers that might be given to a child’s question about existence really haven’t been improved on when an adult asks the same thing. We are merely fed answers explaining science as it is currently understood.

But today, I have finally found an article addressing the very fact of our existence! An article which begins to address the basic tenants of existence not for just you and me…but for everything we experience! These ideas begin to tie together the knowledge we have of electricity and chemicals and matter and time all of which interrelate to produce everything in our knowledge…or ALL THAT IS!!

This article begins to open doors of the mind satisfying the scientist in me as well as the spiritualist. I know these two “sides” of me are interrelated because they are both in me at one time! But perhaps now, many more can begin to understand how subjects as seemingly “far apart” such as physics and smelling a flower really DO interact. The way our education has been and is being formatted to separate ideas that are interrelated” is quite lacking in a kind of absolute understanding! Time for a paradigm shift…oh, yea, THAT is what’s happening NOW!

Ok…on to the article. I know it’s kind of deep, but please read this and pay attention to the “vibes” you get read this article. My vibes say…Oh yes, this makes sense to me even though I don’t understand every single detail, it rings true for me! As always, read, think about it, and…


The Law of Balance

There is really one law in the Universe and that is balance. All other things come from balance. The Universe doesn’t allow anything other than balance to be replicated. Balance is based on the Love principle of giving and re-giving.

The principles of rhythm, vibration, time, motion, color, sound, etc., are all based on balance. We live our everyday reality in a motion based Universe but truly reside in the stillness of Mind. Mind is what I would call our true selves, higher self, and ultimately “God” or “Source”. Even though there is a piece that we experience and call “I” seemingly separate from the whole, in the true reality of it all, we are part of the whole. We are the whole. We are connected to everything and everyone.

This sensed based reality is a thinking, moving one. Only in the stillness of non-motion can we be connected to our source and our true being. This is when we are truly the person we are supposed to be. We cannot live a life of harmony using our senses because they are just the receivers and interpreters of the moving vibrations. Nor can we just live from the brain. The brain can be likened to a computer hard drive that is storing the past memories and then pulling them up as needed to be used. This can be a problem as these memories and logic can be swayed by the filters of our upbringing or surroundings and not from our true self. The senses pick up vibrating waves of color, sound, smell, touch and then interpret them through the brain.

Many will disagree with the concept of the brain and Mind being different things. But the Mind works with knowing, and knowing can only be accessed in the stillness. Part of the problem with the world today is that we push regurgitation of data to our children and praise the ones with the best memories. We applaud the best storage capacity rather than listening to our intuition and heart.

In this Universe of motion, everything is moving, oscillating, and pulsing, all at different cycles and all around us. From galactic bodies, to atomic systems, to even our own breath. In breathing and out breathing? life and death. But this death is only a seeming one, as nothing dies, only the start of the other part of the cycle to then be repeated infinitely. Giving and re-giving forever. A balanced interchange of the seemingly divided and polarized equilibrium. I say seeming because this reality is still all an illusion of motion.


The Process

The equilibrium is the stillness of Mind. Mind is God. God is source. Thinking is the worker that stimulates or pushes into action the motion of this physical reality. The stillness is divided or polarized in two halves and in two directions away from each other. These polarized halves seek the stillness of their opposite and perfect mate. Thinking is electric. Electricity is the only worker in the Universe of motion. The two polarized halves are male and female. They are the divided light, red and blue. They intertwine and interpenetrate to create what we call the chemical elements and the basis of all creation in this reality.

The stillness or equilibrium is the undivided Light. Everything in this Universe is made of Light and by dividing the Light this motion based reality is formed. God is Light. We are Light. Light is manipulated by motion in curves and spirals. It is compressed and expanded during its cycle from birth to death and back again. All motion is spiral and all direction is curved. Curved and spiral motions describe the vortex motion. There are no straight lines in this motion based Universe.


The structure of this Universe is based on the shapes of the cube and the sphere. All other shapes including the platonic solids are in different phases of the process of becoming a cube or sphere. The different stages of the sphere and cube interaction are shown all throughout nature. Cubes are made up of planes and points of stillness (equilibrium / undivided white Light). Cubes bind matter (wound up light), with the sphere being the matter itself. The interactions of all things in motion are recorded in what some call the Akashic records, or the inert/noble gases. These are the chemical elements that link God’s still Universe to our motion and sensed based reality. They are the seed record of all that has happened and will record all that comes. This can be likened to a microfilm or film strip.

From this seed springs the image of what has been recorded to be projected onto God’s movie screens of space. Thought rings or wound up light are compressed and expanded at differing speeds and cycles to create this illusion we call reality. The cycle of these interactions are called waves. Waves are all around us interacting and interfering with each other all working together to create this eternal movie. What we see and measure such as magnetism, gravity, our senses, etc., can be explained by the vortex motions, wave interferences and cube sphere cycles. All of them happening within each other, around each other, and from each other. Everything is intertwined and connected. What you do to yourself, you do to others and vice versa. This is a magical dance of light movements and pulsations creating this cosmic kaleidoscope of motion we call life, but our true selves reside in the knowing stillness of the Light we call God / Source / Creator.



Some examples of the Science

WARNING: If you are prone to nodding off, day dreams, or thinking about what to make for dinner, the next section may be a little bit boring or heady. I will go into some the science but a full explanation would require way more space and many more articles.

So… this nature based science explains the cycles from stillness to maximum motion at wave amplitude, and the return journey back home from which it came.

This science includes the concept of the Cosmic Clock and Universal Ratios. They are important because they show the interactions and change regarding ratios of rotation, revolution, time, space, matter, density, volume and more.

With all things being made of the same substance just in differing pressures and positions in their cycle, we are able to show that “matter” is predominately male or female. You can also say predominately centripetal/centrifugal, compressing/expanding, living/dying etc.



During these cycles from cathode beginning to wave amplitude or anode, there are steps or pressure walls that hold the wave in place, until there is enough “energy” or desire to move closer to amplitude. Moving closer means to compress and to raise electrical potential. Amplitude means that 2 waves have come together in harmony. This is the balanced position that we see in our Sun or in the element Carbon. These are called the “locked potentials”.

Carbon is the balanced point in the cycle where the centripetal, compressing, living cycle is at its maximum and must now start the return journey home. Centrifugal, expanding, dying cycle must now increase from here.

If we look at this balanced cycle of elements, it shows us that there are many elements below Hydrogen. There has to be balance and that means there has to be longer, slower, more nebulous waves below H. This shows us that we can move between elements at will by just changing the wave properties or pressure positions.



This science explains the true nature of our Electric Universe and how magnetism fits in. It covers the importance of convex, concave, and meniscus lenses that guide light in different ways.

With these concepts, does this not change everything? Does this not give us a reason to re-evaluate things like Quantum Physics, Black Holes, and the Big Bang? Does this not tell us that we should re-evaluate particle physics and the electron model?


So what now?

From here we begin our journey from our knowing Mind through our moving senses to learn the true nature of things. We can give ourselves permission to no longer fear, worry, hate, or feel these unnatural vibrations. For they do not exist in the equilibrium or stillness. Only Love… This Universe is built on Love and all other unbalanced “things” are created by man or man’s unbalance.

We have the “free will” to do as we please, but this is a giving re-giving Universe, so it is in our best interest to be aware of our thoughts and actions to aid us in manifesting the best possible experience.

We should choose to follow Nature. Nature shows us how we should build, how energy should flow, and how to be efficient relating to just about anything.

With this living philosophy and science, we can change the world in many ways. From transmuting the chemical elements to eliminating nuclear technology and waste. From removing the reliance on fossil fuels to taking care of the planet and all that live here.

I find that this Optical Universe of moving lights and the Stillness from which it springs, can help correct the faulty foundation and errors in today’s scientific thinking.

We need to just study the importance of waves, wave interference, and lenses to help understand the cycles and vortices that shape all that we see and measure.

I am just a layman using this understanding to help explain things like cosmic background radiation, LENR technology, fusion/fission, radioactivity, electricity/magnetism, and more. Each time I find the answers are there we just need to look at it from Nature’s point of view. Thank you for reading and joining me on this journey of new understanding. Together we can change the world.

Much love!
Chris Plouffe





Crop Circles — Messages in the Fields


Everyone, well just about everyone knows about crop circles…you know the really beautiful and quite intricate patterns and designs laid out in grain fields without any sign of human doing. Most of these have occurred in Britain but more are now happening in America and in European countries…most notably in Italy.

Most feel these designs are the work of extraterrestrials and I cannot help but agree. These are messages from those off this earth who are desperately trying to communicate with us in an unobtrusive but unavoidable manner! Don’t you think this is a sign of the love ET beings have for us who want us to know of their existence without frightening us? Remember, LOVE is the strongest force in the Universe and that means for ALL being who exist in the Universe!

Foster Gamble (yes, he inherited BIG bucks  from grandaddy) has a website (Thrive.com) devoted to spirituality and the presence of ET’s. He presents this video showing some of the remarkable features of crop circles and makes very valid arguments pointing  them to be the work of ET’s. Please watch this short video, think about it, and…




