Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View ~ Sept. 30, 2015


My goodness…who’d a thunk? Any imaginings of global “mass” ascension of beings raising into the heavens have not occurred as many would have liked to believe…at least not in our 3D earth plane. But ..this story of spiritual change on Planet Earth has not not played out yet.

We all know that change is coming by seeing, feeling and almost tasting change. We know that geo-political change is coming our way fast and furiously, but do not know the timing, nor the depth of change that our work is ready to explore.

Clues abound around us, but are difficult to read. Case in point is this message from Eireport, a spiritual group monitoring change in the nature of human life located on the planet. Gaia Portal has already announced Earth’s readiness to enter into the fifth dimension (5D), and now Eireport is echoing that announcement…but this time it references to human readiness to start movement into 5D.

Biblical studies tell us that ascension will occur in the blinking of an eye with no time or date being given. So…let’s look at the clue given to us by Eireport, feel the answer for yourself, and…


Stereoscopes have illumined the Fields of View.

Partners of contrastings keep faith-centers.

Heaviness of the Land Lords passes inspection no more.

Harbingers of the Hue-Light come to the fore.

Celebrations are viewed in the distance.

“The distance” is here.

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